Sitemap - 2021 - Saving Culture (from itself)

A look back at 2021, year of the clown. Blessings for 2022, year of the tiger.

Wishing you a safe and happy holiday season

Why woke comedy will never be funny: a conversation with comedian Lou Perez

Jodi Shaw and I talked with anti-racism activist Bev Barnum. Nobody screamed OR cried!

Welcome to my Substack new followers!

Reasons to be thankful

Class war continues to go unnoticed by half of the people waging it

I was on TV again! This time talking about divorce

We need to talk about porn.

You guys, my dogs are so heteronormative

Welcome to the Cronecast

Northern Ireland invented identity politics. Nearly 4,000 people were killed as a result

Are vaccines breaking apart the nascent anti-woke movement?

Keir Starmer wishes us women just shut the hell up about our cervixes, already

It's not 'left vs right' -- it's monopolists vs the rest of us

Compare and contrast two message strategies between the left and right

Do the job. Put one foot in front of the other. Get on the rig.

I'm the "Aunt Jemima of feminism", apparently 🤣

Thoughts upon re-entry

God, I love Italy

Forcing healthy children to submit to unwanted medical procedures is evil. Evil is back.

Letter from Trevignano

Vive La (Masked) France

We're all going on a summer holiday - what novel should I read?

12 Rules for Life, Lady Version

A must-listen podcast that explains so much

Critical race theory is the new divide and conquer

In memory of an old (and I mean 108 years old) friend, who died this week

"All you need is two tits and a blanket." It's time to take parenting back from the experts

Mare of Easttown: The Kids Are Not Ok

In Praise of Difficult Women

The week in which two NY women presented radically different versions of America

Jodi Shaw has no shame

"If you have the words, there's always a chance that you'll find the way" -- Seamus Heaney on my father

The West’s most enduring demons rise again

"Lions Led by Donkeys:" News & views I enjoyed this week

12 Important Voices for the Politically Homeless

What do you consider to be "left-wing?

America's tragic search for authenticity

What I’m Reading: the BS media and a history of FDR's corporate socialism

Billie Eilish is all grown up and just as confused as the rest of the women on the Internet

What I'm eating: FAT. Lots and lots of fat.

Towards a better class analysis

What I'm listening to: Steven Pressfield

What are your core beliefs? Here are mine.

Two essential immigrant voices you need to listen to right now

The NYT and me: a sad story of disillusionment, in three parts

Two essential black voices you need to listen to right now

Thoughts from a second Easter in lockdown

Lies and the lying liars who tell them

How to lose weight: I've used the 'grow up and stop eating' diet

What I'm reading: the 1776 Unites letter to Smith College

Candy vs Cardi: which vision of womanhood do we want?

What I'm watching: the Netflix doc on Biggie Smalls

Saving Lena Dunham

What I'm listening to: a podcast that crystallised our liberal crisis

A tale of two complaints: a case study in double standards

What I'm listening to: the sweet bleating of my neighbours, the lambs

Is the UK welfare state keeping the poor poor?

What I'm eating: American cheese (an appreciation)

How to know if you married the wrong person

What I'm thinking: weakness is the gateway to evil

Teaching racism is hurting children

What I'm up to: Valentine's Day Playlist and Substack news!

What I'm reading: The Coming of Neo-Feudalism: A Warning to the Global Middle Class

What 12 months of living in the country taught me

What I'm watching: The Death Of Stalin

Don't fear the people

What I'm listening to: Dance your ass off and be happy

Women Who Inspired Me in 2020

And now for the good news...

My father wrote the book on misogyny, I have become an anti-feminist

Happy New Year