I just re-read this piece this morning and reveled in it. For those who remain on the Left who call themselves Liberal but who day by day are feeling more uncomfortable with the Left’s increasingly illiberal behavior, reading this could be equated to receiving one in a series of needed injections of literary EDTA into the veins and arteries of their political and cultural consciences.. a chelation of sorts to rid their system of the sclerotic plaque resulting from the ingestion of the maddening array of ever changing and destructive contradictory beliefs.

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Remember when Rick Perry and Merck signed an executive order mandating Merck's Gardasil HPV vaccine just for Texas girls 11-12 years old? The voters spoke and we will speak again.

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> If my use of the word communist freaks you out, I understand. I too was raised to believe that communists weren’t quite as bad as fascists. I was raised in a world where the Bella Ciao partisans and the French Resistance and Spanish Civil War International Brigade were folk heroes.

Frankly communists are much worse than fascists. Relatively speaking, Franco was the good guy in the Spanish civil war.

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We bow down to the common sense of Jenny.

Right on every single thing that I read. Though don’t for get that not only did Joe get $5 million, Hunter got $5 million. Imagine if that had been Donald and Don jr.


The first 15-20 minutes perfectly explains what’s going on.

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To continue from my previous comment (please see below)

In my perspective (which is of course only partial, and therefore limited, as all perspectives are) you identified only half the picture correctly.

However, the solution to the global capitalist machine, its 'great reset' and its 'new normal' post-pandemic world - which expresses itself through the billionaires in WEF (the world's biggest 1000 corporations), Gates foundation, Rockefeller foundation, IMF, World Bank, WHO and other Godless capitalist as*holes (as a side note - yes, i know that many ignorant & deceived MAGA worshippers have been brainwashed to scream that WEF are "communists", i know that conservative narrative-managers keep emotionally manipulating their gullible and rage-filled followers and hammering this into their head nonstop over and over and over again, in the classical fascist method of 'persuation through repetition', so if any confused MAGA cultist would like me to show you how this global capitalist billionaire empire (including WEF) operates along the exact same principles as capitalists have always operated under since the very beginning of capitalism, some 400 years ago - of enclosure and restiction of the public's access to the commons in order to enrich themselves and in order to make humanity dependant on them to have access for the necessities for survival. This has been a long established capitalist practice since the 1600's, and what the WEF and Gates, Rockefeler, IMF etc are doing today is a clear continuation of that..if any propagandized & deceived right-winger is interested, I will happily show you that in great detail in a separate comment)

Anyway, to get back to the main thread, it seems you identified only half the picture correctly.

However, the solution to the global capitalist machine and its value system - which expresses itself through the billionaires in WEF, Gates IMF, Rockefeler etc and both the abysmal parties in america (two wings of the same one big capitalist war party that runs america), including the fake left DNC liberals (which are actually right-wing DNC and liberals as they are thoroughly in alignment with right-wing principles and institutions like the humanity-destroying capitalists' executioners force, a.k.a the american military and national security apparatus), so yes, you partly identified this global capitalist-fascist machine (though it doesn't seem like it is very clear to you the full picture of what you are standing against, you have just a few snippets here and there but no clear understanding of the totalitatian fascist-capitalist machine you are facing, it seems to me).

Anyway, where i think you get it very wrong (because your definitions seem to be all mixed up - calling the clearly right-wing DNC and their capitalist media 'the left' etc etc - and because you seem to be influenced by the manipulative ignorant nonsense that the Godless conservative-christian echo-chambers spew out) is that you seem to think that the solution to global capitalist-fascist billionaire machine is in the humanity-destroying poison of anti-God right-wing conservative-religious ideology which destroys and turns the paradise planet we were given into a sectarian/capitalist/conservative/nationalist warring right-wing hell..

In a moment i will say why that is the profoundly wrong and disastrous 'solution', but before i do that i will just say that in my view the solution is in the real Left (which the DNC and liberals are doing everything in their power to destroy), which is diametrically opposite to the right-wing capitalist DNC and right-wing pro-war liberals and diametrically opposite to the great reset, 4th industrial revolution, smart cities, and the green new deal of the climate capitalists, CBDC etc

The real Left which the DNC (and its billionaire capitalist-owned media) does everything to destroy.

This profoundly wise essay gives one example of the real left https://oneworldrenaissance.com/2021/01/23/holism-fragmentation-and-our-endangered-future-a-new-vision-and-a-new-hope/ 

as well as the work of in-depth researchers on the great reset like the amazing leftist Alison McDowell, leftist Cory Morningstar, leftist Winter Oak publication and leftist Raul Diego, all of whom did some of the most in-depth and amazing research (much more in-depth than anything I've seen coming from unintelligent conservatives who like to scream about 'the evil globalists' but have produced zero intelligent understanding of how the global capitalist machine actually works), real Left which is exposing the entire capitalist billionaire machine behind the great reset, green new deal, 4th industrial revolution, smart cities, CBDC, impact investing, metavetse etc.

Here are a couple of other examples of the work of the real left on the great reset, smart cities, cbdc, green new deal, 4th industrial revolution, metaverse, climate capitalists etc


And here https://winteroak.org.uk/the-great-reset/ 

And here https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Jf4QC1tFPCQ&feature=youtu.be 

And here https://winteroak.org.uk/climate-capitalists/ 

And here https://m.soundcloud.com/unlimited-hangout/demystifying-the-4th-industrial-revolution-with-cory-morningstar 

And here https://www.mintpressnews.com/the-bits-and-bytes-of-the-great-reset-covid-19-and-the-scaling-up-of-data-capitalism/275831/ 

And here https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/09/investigative-reports/sustainable-debt-slavery/ 

Many conservatives and right-wing liberals aren't even aware that there is a real Left which is diametrically oppose to the right-wing capitalist democratic party and which stands up to the 'new normal' of the great reset

In addition to that, I'd also like to say something that most people will likely not understand and that is that the reason i consider myself part of the real Left is precisely becasue it is the closest worldview that i've come across to creating on earth the love of God (I hate to use that word since it has been so profoundly corrupted and distorted by sectarian nationalist religion) that i personally experienced. What i mean by that is that i had what is known as a near death experience (NDE), in which i experienced first hand the unconditionally loving energy and unity that is our essence and that is the ground of all that exists (what religious people call God, although they erronously tend to personify/anthropomorphize the unconditionally-loving ground of existence as if it is a distinct person/entity, entity that is separate from us, which is untrue, in my experience). That NDE completely transformed my understanding of reality and the beliefs i grew up with. I was raised a Catholic and conservative, my NDE made it clear to me beyond doubt that there is nothing on this planet more divorced from the unconditional love and unity of Reality/God/Being/Consciousness (which is what we are) than divisive sectarian religion and sectarian nationalism, that divide and pit humanity against each other (in the name of a so-called "god", no less).

(There are many other thing that i saw during the NDE that sectarian religious ideology gets very wrong and does not correspond to actual Reality/God/our true nature, and which causes tremendous harm and profoundly misleads people, but i won't go into all that here).

As a result of my NDE and seeing what God is/what we are/what reality is, I left the church and stopped subscribing to humanity-destroying God-forgetting right-wing conservative ideology. Some years later i started feeling more and more drawn to left wing ideals as they are the closest i've seen on earth that resembles what God/Reality actually is, what our essence actually is, the closest to the unconditional love and unity and non-sectarianism that God actually is and the we actually are. So i would humbly say that i strongly disagree with your perspective becasue in my own direct first hand experience there is nothing on this planet that destroys life more and that opposes the reality of God more than conservative right-wing religious nationalist sectatianism and division.

I don't know how to say it any clearer but religious sectarianism and nationalism seems, from the perspective of the absolute, like psychologically-undeveloped four year old children who believe in all sorts of childish fairytales and invest billions in killing machines to fight among themselves (to death) to create and protect these imagined divisions. It is insanity beyond what words can truly convey and it is the polar opposite of what we actually came here for, which is to live together on this paradise planet that we were given as the brothers and sisters that we are, helping each other and caring for each other, enjoying our unity and uniquness, and bringing our essence as unconditional love into full expression in the physical realm.

Yet what have we actually done? We have turned this paradise planet into a divided warring nationalist right-wing hell, where we fight and kill each other based on childish religious-national labels and indoctrination, and where we mercylessly exploit each other for the capitalist god of profit in a profoundly immature, short-sighted, heart-corrupting and life-destroying economic system

In my first hand experience, the pillars of right wing ideology (1. nationalist/religious sectarianism with eternal division of humanity and hostility to the 'other tribe' and caring only for the security of 'my group'; 2. Ruthless and heart-divorced capitalist mentality of profit-above-all-else and wealth accumulation as the highest value; 3. Intolerant coercive judgemental cruel punishing psychology) these right-wing pillars are precisely the POLAR OPPOSITE of the nature of God/Being/our essence, and precisely what distances humanity away from God/our essential nature, and what destroys and turns the paradise planet we were given into a sectarian/capitalist/conservative/nationalist warring hell

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I used to argue with a person about many of the things you pontificate. The one thing I have changed is my one-time defense of big business. I have changed my mind because it WOKE. The use of "nationalist right-wing hell" is a term that the anarchy group ANTIFA loves. Not tagging you as ANTIFA but your well written but bitter essay is a learning point. If you are a true classical liberal (which I like a lot) we have some things in common. You aver that WEF is a capitalist monster but tag "conservatives" in that conversation. That is a tad over the top as all my friends (conservatives) who follow that know it is an evil cauldron. Based on your writing, I can guess you might tag me as part of the "right wing ideology." Unlike the alt-left, I claim to be a “classical conservative.” As such, I'm not afraid to talk about the evils of the neo-cons like the crummy nation building that was perpetrated by them in the past resulting in so much blow black. Today the right-left divide is nothing more than a tool of the money masters who want you and I in and to bow down to the secular god known as the New World Order.

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Thank you for the comment. I hear you, understand, and appreciate it. If I may just clarify what i said about WEF above, as there seem to have been a bit of a misunderstading about this -

it seems quite clear to me that the great reset, 4th industrial revolution, digital transformation, CBDC etc that the corporate-capitalists in the WEF, the Gates Foundation, Rockefeller foundation, IMF and World Bank etc (and the capitalists' puppets in western governements) are currently pushing, these are guided by the exact same principles that has guided capitalists since the 1600's.

It is clear and easy to see this if one understands how capitalism originated. To say it very quickly and crudely, before the development of capitalistic private property "rights" in the 1600s, everyone had access to the land and resources necessary to produce enough food for subsistence - this was done through communally farmed tracts plus common land used for grazing and subsistence by landless peasants. From the 1600s through the 1900s, the British parliament - working on the capitalists' behalf - passed hundreds of acts of legislation which brutally enforced enclosure (ie. 'stealing') of common land from agricultural rural communities and transferred it to the private hands of capitalists, often using lethal force to do that (this was first done in the UK, and was later enforced throughout the west and the colonies).

This process was necessary for the development of capitalism because people who have access to enough land to subsist on would never willingly submit to performing wage work. Historically the only way for the capitalist class to get the laborers it needed is either through enslavement or through a process of enforced enclosure/dispossession, by which people lose their ancestral subsistence lands, followed by being forced into low wages.

This process was studied and brilliantly described in detail by Marx in the 1800s, but it was very actively protested already when it first started in the 1600s. Everywhere it was introduced it was fiercely resisted, sometimes for hundreds of years, until the cruel inhumane ruthless capitalists were finally able to completely break humanity's resistence in the 20th century and normalize this process as if it is a normal part of life.

But all the way up to the early 20th century, working for the capitalists was known as 'wage slavery'. Only decades into of the 20th century was this resistence finally eliminated and wage slavery for the capitalists came to be considered as a "normal" part of life..

Now, right-wingers are often propagandized into screaming that the WEF are "communists" becasue they said "you will own nothing and be happy", but becasue most don't know the history of how capitalism developed they fail to see that the global capitalists in the WEF do exactly what capitalists have always been doing.. The WEF (the 1000 biggest corporations on the planet) wants to take away everything from you in order to enrich themselves, the world's biggest capitalists, and make you dependent on them, having to pay them if you want access to anything needed for being alive. This is the EXACT project that the capitalists have been up to since the 1600's with their enclosure and disposesion of humanity out of the basic survival necessities in order to enrich themselves and force us into wage slavery for them.

And as a quick side note - If the CEOs of the world's biggest corporations (which make up the WEF) and the rest of global capitalist machine were truly communists (which is an absolutely insane and laughable claim to make for anyone who understands what pro-worker communism is, but which is exactly the claim that right-wingers are told repeadetly in their echo-chambers, over and over and over again) then they would NOT say 'you own nothing and we own everything' (which is the typical capitalist way of thinking, more for me, no matter what) but rather if they were communists then they would say 'we all own everything together!!

Which is the only way to have true freedom and liberty! becasue this way no one is above you and no one has exclusive access and ownership over the necessities of life that they can prevent you from accessing, and so force you to yield to them and control you.

Lack of equal access to the neccessities of life immediately leads to loss of freedom. It must!! Equality is the soul of liberty, and is the way God meant for us to live. Liberty absolutely cannot come about without equal access, as the French saw and understood. Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité!!!

Let me try to say it a little differently:

People often assume that capitalism is defined by markets and trade. But markets and trade existed for thousands of years before capitalism. Capitalism is only about 400 years old. So what is distinctive about this economic system? Mainly two things:

1. First, and most importantly, it is defined by enclosure and artificial scarcity. Capitalism originated from systemic efforts by the elites to restrict humanity's access to the commons and to independent subsistance in order to render us reliant on wage labor for survival.

Over the past 400 years some of the forms this has taken are privatization of the commons, forced dispossesion out of ancestral lands, deliberate destructuon of subsistance economies (everywhere but particularly brutally in the invaded and occupied indigenous territories) and in general privatizing the most basic necessities of life and then having us pay to have accesss to them..

This continues today with attempts to ensure artificial scarcity to essentials like housing, healthcare, quality food, clean water, education, transit and so on. Things that could very easily be provided at high quality to everyone, but are deliberately prevented by right-wing capitalists from being available as it hurts their control and profit agenda (which is the highest value in the hearts of psychologically-undeveloped God-denying capitalists). And in addition, the removal of artificial scarcity also removes the capitalists' ability to force us to desperately work for them at low wages (in order to survive). This is a huge threat to their narrow self-interests and that is why they do everything possible to insure that these essentials will not be widely available to humanity (including billions spent on propaganda to ensure their right-wing followers hate and attack anyone who dares to suggest bringing back into public ownership the essentials of life after the capitalists stole and/or restricted access to them through privatization and enclosure) .

Where universal public goods do exist - and where worker/child rights and protections do exist - they have been won after very intense and longstanding battles by left-wing labor movements, socialists and communists, and are constantly under attack by the right-wing ultra-wealthy capitalists who constantly attempt to remove all labor/child protections and regulations on how much they can squeeze out of adults and children (if it wasn't for fierce and courageous left-wing battles, children would still be working 18hrs a day 7 days a week for the right-wing capitalists, like in 'the good old days' before those 'evil leftists' fought bitterly for worker and child protections, for the creation of the weekend, of reduced 40 hour work week, and for numerous other basic worker and children's rights, which the Godless republicans constantly try to take away, for the narrow benefit of the ultra-wealthy at the expense of humanity, like they're doing right now, as one small example, as ultra-wealthy Godless republicans push for the overturning of decades-long labor laws that prevent child labor, in order to give the billionaire class a broader pool of workers, including children, so that they can force workers to accept as low wages as possible. The broader the pool of workers for the billionaire owners to choose from, the less bargaing power the workers have, that is why pro-billionaire and anti-humanity republicans do everything possible to remove child protections, as well as many other protections, so as to make it easier for the ultra-wealthy to pay workers as little as possible. Just one example out of many),

And (to continue from above) they also constantly attempt to take away access to universal public goods and put them behind a paywall to access, as they have always done, to enrich themselves and create artificial scarcity that forces us into cheap labor for them.

2. Second, capitalism is organized around - and dependent upon - perpetual expansion. Meaning, ever increasing production of commodified goods. It is the only intrinsically expansionary economic system in human history (meaning, it intrinsically has to have a crisis if it doesn't continually expand)

Crucially - under capitalism, the purpose of the ever increasing production is NOT primarily to meet human needs, but rather to extract and accumulate profit. This is the overriding objective of this system.

To sustain the process of perpetually increasing surplus accumulation, Capital requires an ever increasing quantity of inputs (labor and nature), and requires that these inputs be obtained as cheaply as possible.

This introduces constant pressure by the right-wing to depress real wages and to attack environmental, health and worker protections whenever they possibly can (in the absence of countering political forces).

The result is a Godless system that, left to itself (to its own logic), AUTOMATICALLY generates exploitation of human beings, as well as pollution over-exploitation & breakdown of ecological systems.

In sum, the tendency to equate capitalism with "markets and trade" naturalizes a system that is overwhelmingly not natural and profoundly harmful for the vast majority of humans and for all life, and prevents us from having a clear-eyed view of how this destructive system actually operates.

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Thanks for the reply, that took a lot of work. It will take just one word for me to respond with my desire: Distributism

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"a war going that has killed thousands upon thousands of Ukrainians, and brought us closer to nuclear war than we have been in half a century."

The problem with this claim and adjoining prognostication is that both emanate from the same damned Mainstream about which Jenny is otherwise excellently articulating. The gravity of the supposed Ukraine War is a new instance of global panic-mongering fomented by the international Mainstream and one of its major organs, the Administration of Biden's Handlers. Because of that, I reasonably assume it (which includes the claim and prognostication repeated by Jenny) is a complex tissue of horseshit.

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You knocked it out of the park again Jenny. You have not overstated anything. I 100 percent agree with the level of alarm you are raising. I’m scared to death. I’m afraid we have pretty much lost this battle. I’m praying that I am wrong.

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Now that i got your attention, please read the full comment below the link for explanation before any knee-jerk automatic attack.


Agree with you that some mainstream right-wing liberals are not aware of how the global capitalist machine is using their goodwill and humanitarian impulses in order to push forward capitalist sectarian war agendas that are innately illeberal as they are meant to advance the interests of the american-anglo billionaires' empire and not of all of humanity, and that their right-wing capitalist warmongering media (like cnn, msnbc, fox, WashPost/NYTimes) is mostly disinformation and pro-capitalist war propaganda (i wrote about that extensively in facebook posts so won't go into the details of that here), and yet at the same time it seems to me that perhaps you (and many other americans) might ALSO have a huge blind spot and lack of awareness of the big picture (despite the way that many psychologocally-immature and uncritical conservatives like to arrogantly pronounce themselves 'red-pilled' yet have no clue how partial, sectarian, narrow, limited and God-denying their perspective actually is), because it seems like you (along with many other hypnotised MAGA worshippers) bought hook line and sinker into the false dichotomy (or you cpild say, into the narrow frame of options, or into the narrowing of the limits of debate to only two pro-empire pro-billionaire pro-war options), in which you have to choose between one of two disgusting anti-life Godless mass-murderers (trump or biden) that the life-destroying american empire presents to you, with both options leading you into the exact same rule by anti-God capitalist billionaires and their life-destroying global military empire (But of course 'red pilled' brigade are too "enlightened" to see that they are being played exactly like mainstream liberals are, or perhaps too busy chewing on the bait thrown to them, to hate 'the evil other half' and therefore support 'our rIghteous half').

Both options are Two wings of the one big corporate-capitalist billionaire right-wing war party that runs america (and lords over the planet)

The two wings of the same right-wing empire distinguish themselves from each using identity politics to create the appearance of choice between supposedly two distinct options, but no matter which wing of the american right-wing empire you choose (conservative or liberal), you get the exact same God-denying global capitalist war machine of greed, murder and plunder running the country and encircling the entire planet with nearly a thousand gigantic military bases, dozens of warships colonizing every ocean on the face of the planet and at least 17 extra-judicial torture facilities where kidnapped human beimgs are held in captivity for years without trial and tortured (by your brainwashed, dumb and ignorant - but manly and strong - conservative "patriots", to 'make america great again'.

You've been expertly funnelled (while you imagine you are 'red pilled') into choosing one of two options that lead you into suppoeting the exact same God-forgetting american capitalist empire of greed, plunder and domination that has murdered 22.7 million human beings in the last 73 years (4.6millions since 2001 alone), and displaced more than 300million human beimgs in tne last 73 years (displaced means turning into homeless and penniless refugees, by INTENTIONALLY destroying an entire country's infrastructure and ability to sustain life), which has invaded and attacked 479 countries since its inception (251 attacks since 1991 alone. All numbers from official congressional papers).

All of these crimes cheered for by the ignorant and Godless conservative-christians who urge their vengeful punishing murderous sectarian divisive nationalist "god" (this "god" that the psychologically-undeveloped, immature, unconscious, frightened, safety-seeking conservative brain has invented for itself is the POLAR OPPOSITE of what God actually is, but i won't go into that here) urging their fake murderous nationalist humanity-dividing sectatian "god" to "bless our troops" as the anti-God capitalists send them out to murder millions, plunder, bully, invade, bomb, torture, brutalize, terrorize, traumatize and destroy anyome who stands in the way of conservative-capitalists greed, anyone who refuses to privatize their resources, industry and servoce from public ownwrship into the private hands of right-wing american capitalists, to 'make america great again' of course.

Yes, I know that the running slogan among the hypnotised and deceived conservative-christian MAGA ignorant fools (who think they are 'red pilled') is that their billionaire messiah trump is the 'president of peace' and wants to stop wars. If you'd like, I will list for you all of the crimes against humanity and against life of this bully criminal Godless mass-murderer, trump. There is not enough space here in this comment to list it all, but if you want I'll do it in a separate comment.

Whether you like it or not, Godless conservatives will continue to transfer your money to the wealthiest 0.1% and their capitalist plunder/war machine and tell you that this is what "jesus" wants (the conservatives' anti-Christ version of Jesus), in their 'welfare state for billionaires' conservative ideology.

But don't worry about it, it's the great conservative 'trickle down economics' - you pay for the meal of the richest guy in the restaurant (who also happens to be a conservative military contractor) and in the end he might let you lick his plate, he might let a few drops trickle down to your plate.. it's the perfect system to benefit everyone, you see.. And praise the Lord, this also just happens to be what "god" and ""jesus" want. Halleluya!!

Here's in-depth research into trump's enmeshment with the worst of organized-crime his entire life. Yes, includong the pedaphile Roy Cohn that trump calls 'my closest friend and best mentor'. That is on top of his numerous crimes against humanity and against life mentioned earlier (your manipulative conservative echo-chambers won't tell you about this)


PS. Tucker Carlson came from a CIA family and himself applied to join the CIA. Like all Godless anti-life right-wing conservatives, this blood-thirsty multi-millionaore conservative is also pushing nonstop his confused gullible followers into a frenzy of nationalist hatred so that they cheer for the empire's coming planned attack on china and for the domination of american capitalists over the planet, to the delight of his pals in the war profiteering industry.. Hypnotised ignorant MAGA idiots are clueless as always (but call themselves 'red pilled') and worship this Godless evil manipulative warmonger..


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Great essay! Welcome to the sane side. A “coalition of the sane” is exactly what the western world needs. Let’s popularize the term!

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Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Jenny has rejected some, but not all of her insane beliefs.

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Thank you! I enjoyed your Substack articles as well.

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Using "totalitarian" rather that "communist" would make your arguments more accurate and rational, in my opinion. Real Marxists and communists are hardly interested in making alliances with corporations and billionaires. We (those not buying the identity politics of contemporary liberalism or neoliberalism) are interested in building alliances and coalitions with working class people. Whenever I write about that online, I'm immediately attacked for advocating talking civilly to fascists, transphobes, racists, ad nauseam. And, of course, labeled with all the usual epithets myself. Such is the price of not following the path of those fatally infected by Trump Derangement Syndrome, a disease that cost me quite a few long-term friends whenever I talked about it as a pandemic far more dangerous than COVID.

I see your writing as transgressive in mostly good ways. As I've told you before, I can't support the intertwining of your thinking with Christian or other religious organizations. I don't accept the idea that religious doctrine should be the basis for ethical (not moral) behavior. But those things aside, I find your writing sensible and I support most of the things you're pushing for.

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Ah, see, I used to think that as well about communists being implacable enemies of capitalism - but there is reason to believe that is just not true. I think the thing you and I overlooked is that there is capitalism, the productive way of running an economy in which winners get rich, and then there is monopoly capitalism, in which powerful entities rig the game so only they get rich. They want centralised control. It's in a fascinating book by Anthony Sutton, written in the mid-'70's.

“Bolsheviks and bankers have then this significant common ground — internationalism. Revolution and international finance are not at all inconsistent if the result of revolution is to establish more centralised authority. International finance prefers to deal with central governments. The last thing the banking community wants is laissez-faire economy and decentralised power because these would disperse power."

I'm not an expert but China looks to me like a fusion of global monopoly capital and total political power. Call it Communism 2.0 if that helps, but it's not the little man's communism the kind I mention above, the labour battles and left-wing populists. It's a different animal altogether. And it's frightening.

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They are not the old time communists, they are woke communists. The communists never went away, they just switched from class to identity. The rotten core of their ideology is still marxism, and thus I call them woke communists.

Do not let anyone tell you not to label them, label them because they have already labeled you. Woke communists are evil to the core, and they have had far more success than the class-based communists ever did in what used to be America but is now the GAE (Globalist American Empire).

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See NS Lyons on "luxury-digital-gnosticism", which builds on Lasch's "Revolt of the Elites".

(postmodern-relativism, the "woke" cult, holds the "belief" that "reality is a social construct".)

neo-communism (neo-marxism, the new left) abandoned class struggle for identity politics, making themselves useful to the corporate-state and (as you say) the global elites (finance).

the "diversity" GRIFT is an $8 billion business sector.

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'I find your writing sensible.' Your response to the wise old Marxist had me exclaiming 'touché'. I'm, to my apprehenive surprise, becoming, amid the confusing mess you describe, a lapsed atheist. I note MC's confident and patronising conflation of 'Christianity and other religious organizations' with intellectual immaturity. When political demonstration was ruthlessly suppressed in Apartheid South Africa, organisation became congregation and opposition was expressed at funerals.

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HI Jenny, I like your "In this Substack, we believe..." list, but I don't agree with all of it. Perhaps I'm the liberal you're trying to convince. I'm not fond of Tucker. I think he cherry picks evidence just as many commentators do. I wholeheartedly disagree about Donald Trump. As for Trump, Biden, Bannon, let's just say that I don't view any human as a savior. I believe that democracy is hard work, and I worry that most people expect too much too soon. with little personal effort. I worry that it's not viable in the long run.

I met a black man wearing a MAGA hat at a bus stop last fall. He was wearing a T-Shirt that read "Deplorable Lives Matter." I was instantly fond of him and we chatted for a bit. FWIW, I hate the term "Deplorable" and wish "reasonable" people like Charlie Sykes would quit using it. (I've told him so in more than one email.) So, yes, I agree that there are elements of a true labor movement within the MAGA crowd.

The Covid vaccine was oversold. It didn't prevent catching or spreading Covid, but I also think the side-effects are over-hyped. I'm glad I was vaccinated when I caught Covid as I had a mild case. I believe in vaccines because I believe they are a valuable population health tool and that if we can protect others along with ourselves, that's a good thing to do. I think the prolonged spell of higher death rates could well be due to effects of Covid on long term health outcomes, but we have lots to learn still.

I believe Jan 6 was absolutely an attempt to overturn the results of a legitimate election that Trump lost and Biden won.

I'm fond of some conspiracy theories myself. One that only I believe in apparently is the very untimely death of Paul Wellstone. IMHO, Wellstone was a straight shooter, reasonable, would have looked at all the evidence about anything. But he died in a plane crash in winter and folks just won't buy my conspiracy theory that he was killed because he was too good for us.

I agree that Giorgia Meloni is doing fine in a situation that is super complicated. I wish her well.

I'm a firm believer in separation of church and state. Talk about being used, I think evangelicals have been used by Republicans to focus all of the attention on culture war issues so the Rs can cut taxes for the wealthy. That said, I'm no fan of the way critical race theory and trans ideology are infused throughout the education system (K-12 here in the US). Yes, parents need to protest. Bravo. But I'm also fine with gay rights re: marriage. I see gays and trans as two wildly different issues, but I'd be relieved if these drag queen story hours and over-the-top Pride parades went away.

All in all, I'm conservative in a liberal sort of way. And I don't have a lot of people who agree with me on much! More later, Jenny.

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> I believe Jan 6 was absolutely an attempt to overturn the results of a legitimate election that Trump lost and Biden won.

Well, you're wrong. The election was not legitimate.

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Well it sounds to me like you are not one of the people I'm trying to convince, because you are willing and able to listen and simply disagree. Which is still allowed (for now 🤣). I'm more concerned with the people who will have an emotional reaction and issue a blanket judgment because one trigger word was mentioned. If you can think that Jan. 6 was what the legacy media says it was, but at the same time have something good to say about Meloni, that indicates to me that you are thinking things through in a reasoned manner, and arriving at different conclusions -- for what my two cents are worth!

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Jenny, I live in a rather woke retirement home in Seattle right downtown (a very bedraggled downtown still). I expected to have lively discussions with people when we moved here, but quickly discovered that nuance is verboten. After years of frustration, I finally started a discussion group, open to all, attended by few, to discuss issues that are not as clear as some think. Early on, I tackled the covid vaccine mandates, not so much the vaccines themselves, as whether or not the science supported mandates for state employees and others. The few attendees were rather unsettled by the data I presented (cardio effects especially in young men who were less likely to have severe cases of Covid). I've proceeded with other topics, once a month for a year now. I'm also back in the League of Women Voters despite a love/hate relationship with them, and a week from today will host a meeting to address the dip in acceptance of gay marriage, the question of what is a woman (I'm shocked that the League buys into "Trans women are women"), and who's actually protecting children re: trans medicine. (Britain now officially withholds puberty blockers.). If I'm alive after that, I'll comment again someday! Wish me luck. And thanks for your work.

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Good article. One thing - Joe Stalin stated that "fascists" were anyone who didn't support the communist revolution.

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Jenny Holland I commend you from the bottom of my heart, and soul. This is the most genteel, respectful, informative piece on the subject to date. I herald from the deep liberal conclave of the NE United States, born & raised in that culture but something has changed & I've had to walk away from friends and family wholly captured by this emerging ideology. Inline with Mattias Desmet, you've nailed it. Thank you for speaking up.

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Agree. I suggest forgetting about the reason given by cnn/msnbWashPost (who represent tje global capitalost machin for why Godless trump and MAGA are poison, but to look directly whey they are -



Now that i got your attention, please read the full comment below the link for explanation before any knee-jerk automatic attack.


Agree with you that some mainstream right-wing liberals are not aware of how the global capitalist machine is using their goodwill and humanitarian impulses in order to push forward capitalist sectarian war agendas that are innately illeberal as they are meant to advance the interests of the american-anglo billionaires' empire and not of all of humanity, and that their right-wing capitalist warmongering media (like cnn, msnbc, fox, WashPost/NYTimes) is mostly disinformation and pro-capitalist war propaganda (i wrote about that extensively in facebook posts so won't go into the details of that here), and yet at the same time it seems to me that perhaps you (and many other americans) might ALSO have a huge blind spot and lack of awareness of the big picture (despite the way that many psychologocally-immature and uncritical conservatives like to arrogantly pronounce themselves 'red-pilled' yet have no clue how partial, sectarian, narrow, limited and God-denying their perspective actually is), because it seems like you (along with many other hypnotised MAGA worshippers) bought hook line and sinker into the false dichotomy (or you cpild say, into the narrow frame of options, or into the narrowing of the limits of debate to only two pro-empire pro-billionaire pro-war options), in which you have to choose between one of two disgusting anti-life Godless mass-murderers (trump or biden) that the life-destroying american empire presents to you, with both options leading you into the exact same rule by anti-God capitalist billionaires and their life-destroying global military empire (But of course 'red pilled' brigade are too "enlightened" to see that they are being played exactly like mainstream liberals are, or perhaps too busy chewing on the bait thrown to them, to hate 'the evil other half' and therefore support 'our rIghteous half').

Both options are Two wings of the one big corporate-capitalist billionaire right-wing war party that runs america (and lords over the planet)

The two wings of the same right-wing empire distinguish themselves from each using identity politics to create the appearance of choice between supposedly two distinct options, but no matter which wing of the american right-wing empire you choose (conservative or liberal), you get the exact same God-denying global capitalist war machine of greed, murder and plunder running the country and encircling the entire planet with nearly a thousand gigantic military bases, dozens of warships colonizing every ocean on the face of the planet and at least 17 extra-judicial torture facilities where kidnapped human beimgs are held in captivity for years without trial and tortured (by your brainwashed, dumb and ignorant - but manly and strong - conservative "patriots", to 'make america great again'.

You've been expertly funnelled (while you imagine you are 'red pilled') into choosing one of two options that lead you into suppoeting the exact same God-forgetting american capitalist empire of greed, plunder and domination that has murdered 22.7 million human beings in the last 73 years (4.6millions since 2001 alone), and displaced more than 300million human beimgs in tne last 73 years (displaced means turning into homeless and penniless refugees, by INTENTIONALLY destroying an entire country's infrastructure and ability to sustain life), which has invaded and attacked 479 countries since its inception (251 attacks since 1991 alone. All numbers from official congressional papers).

All of these crimes cheered for by the ignorant and Godless conservative-christians who urge their vengeful punishing murderous sectarian divisive nationalist "god" (this "god" that the psychologically-undeveloped, immature, unconscious, frightened, safety-seeking conservative brain has invented for itself is the POLAR OPPOSITE of what God actually is, but i won't go into that here) urging their fake murderous nationalist humanity-dividing sectatian "god" to "bless our troops" as the anti-God capitalists send them out to murder millions, plunder, bully, invade, bomb, torture, brutalize, terrorize, traumatize and destroy anyome who stands in the way of conservative-capitalists greed, anyone who refuses to privatize their resources, industry and servoce from public ownwrship into the private hands of right-wing american capitalists, to 'make america great again' of course.

Yes, I know that the running slogan among the hypnotised and deceived conservative-christian MAGA ignorant fools (who think they are 'red pilled') is that their billionaire messiah trump is the 'president of peace' and wants to stop wars. If you'd like, I will list for you all of the crimes against humanity and against life of this bully criminal Godless mass-murderer, trump. There is not enough space here in this comment to list it all, but if you want I'll do it in a separate comment.

Whether you like it or not, Godless conservatives will continue to transfer your money to the wealthiest 0.1% and their capitalist plunder/war machine and tell you that this is what "jesus" wants (the conservatives' anti-Christ version of Jesus), in their 'welfare state for billionaires' conservative ideology.

But don't worry about it, it's the great conservative 'trickle down economics' - you pay for the meal of the richest guy in the restaurant (who also happens to be a conservative military contractor) and in the end he might let you lick his plate, he might let a few drops trickle down to your plate.. it's the perfect system to benefit everyone, you see.. And praise the Lord, this also just happens to be what "god" and ""jesus" want. Halleluya!!

Here's in-depth research into trump's enmeshment with the worst of organized-crime his entire life. Yes, includong the pedaphile Roy Cohn that trump calls 'my closest friend and best mentor'. That is on top of his numerous crimes against humanity and against life mentioned earlier (your manipulative conservative echo-chambers won't tell you about this)


PS. Tucker Carlson came from a CIA family and himself applied to join the CIA. Like all Godless anti-life right-wing conservatives, this blood-thirsty multi-millionaore conservative is also pushing nonstop his confused gullible followers into a frenzy of nationalist hatred so that they cheer for the empire's coming planned attack on china and for the domination of american capitalists over the planet, to the delight of his pals in the war profiteering industry.. Hypnotised ignorant MAGA idiots are clueless as always (but call themselves 'red pilled') and worship this Godless evil manipulative warmonger..


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Thank you so much Sheila! Good luck out there.

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This piece brings to mind this Tablet article--https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/arts-letters/articles/the-story-of-o-woke-labor-management-- as well as Plandemic 3.

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Wonderful essay, but I fear the progressive elite is beyond reaching — or, at least, many of them are. As the gospel of Mark says, they have eyes but they do not see, ears but they do not hear. Here's a link to an article in City Journal about ultra-progressive Montclair, NJ, home to many wealthy progressives (including many in the media) but also home to incredibly corrupt, self-serving, self-interested practices. I don't know how one reaches such people, but it's worth continuing to try.


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Holy crap that article is fantastic! I am well aware of Montclair, as I worked on the NY Times Metro desk for three years and we used to joke that everyone who worked at the paper either lived on the Upper West Side, Park Slope or Montclair. Thank you for sharing it -- I'm really enjoying the author's other work for City Journal too.

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I'm right there with your Substack sign.

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