"Men can’t be women, terrorism is bad, your skin colour does not define your character, forced medical treatments are immoral, Hitler was wrong. " I'd buy that t-shirt.

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Oooh, merch idea! Thank you!🤩

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A window sign!

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Me too! Maybe a garden flag too...

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"plant food is not killing the planet"

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Me to 🙋🏼‍♀️

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I think the last time I found myself "living in the past" was when the COVID stuff hit. I kept thinking, "Have people lost their minds?!? This isn't the plague. This virus doesn't have a high kill rate and young people aren't, for the most part, impacted by it." That was when I began using the phrase "the Puppet Masters." Ah, I would think, over and over again, this is the social engineering of the Puppet Masters. Then when the BLM protesting began, the war in Ukraine, the rise in gender ideology lessons in elementary schools, and, most recently, all of the anti-semitic stuff in cities (and college campuses) across the world, again, I would think, "Ah, the work of the Puppet Masters." I keep praying and surrendering all of this shit to God. I still very much believe in God, and I realize "The Story of Earth and Humanity" isn't over yet; but, good golly, this sure is a challenging time to be alive. I'll be honest: I'm glad I'm as old as I am. I'll also confess that all this Puppet Mastery has, for me, made God more real. I hope this is happening to others, too. That would definitely be a silver lining in this shit storm.

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It's happening to me, and I was an avowed atheist. So yes...silver lining.

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Too much effort to be atheist. I describe myself as a religious agnostic.

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"The ultimate nature of this insurgency remains unclear....is it Maoism? Is it..." No, not Maoism...Narcissism. White 'look-what-a social-justice-warrior-I-am' narcissism.

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Yes, the reality of God is becoming more and more palpable for me, and I’m seeing it in so many others.

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Perfectly said Shelley. I’m super glad to be at the ass end of my life. I started noticing the Puppet Masters in the late 70s - early 80s, and I cast a jaundiced eye on most MSM stories. And I too, felt the same confusion during COVID. "When are people going to wake up?" I thought a thousand times a day. And that’s when I started rereading my country’s (America) founding documents, which in turn led me back to my childhood religious faith in a roundabout way. And in my conversations with others in a wide socioeconomic circle, I’m finding many with variations of this outcome. An Insurgency against the Insurgency?

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I like that idea!

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I'm in.

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The problem with your view is that at the time, no one knew enough about Covid and the Chinese government wasn’t exactly forthcoming with things like the death rate and infection spread. It’s there in the name: NOVEL coronavirus. SARS-type illnesses can be extremely deadly and caution was advised. The problem was that our federal government response in March and April of 2020 was beyond incompetent and then the political Right decided to attack the few reasonable measures we did take.

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Like so many, in the very beginnning of the COVID pandemic, I was assuming that this “novel” virus would be deadly. I was kind of like Bill Gates in that I had been waiting--probably for about twenty years before COVID--for "the next big plague" to hit humanity. It was because of my "plague fear" that I had been warning my loved ones to please, please, please cut back on their frighteningly frequent use of antibiotics. My fear was that they were destroying all the beneficial bacteria of their immune systems and that if or when, at some point in the future, “the next big plague” hit humanity, their bodies might not have what it takes to survive. It was purely because of my concern for my loved ones' antibiotics-driven "weakened" immune systems that I hit the ground running, doing my own research as quickly as possible once I first read about COVID-19. The work of John Ioannidis was the first I came across concerning the much lower infection fatality rates for COVID-19 than I, personally, had been expecting. This was back in March of 2020 ( https://www.statnews.com/2020/03/17/a-fiasco-in-the-making-as-the-coronavirus-pandemic-takes-hold-we-are-making-decisions-without-reliable-data/ ). Then I read a preprint of his a few months later: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.05.13.20101253v1 .

Early on, I shared these stories, as well as stories about natural ways of strengthening one's immune system, with all my loved ones, but they threatened to "cancel" me if I kept sending them my little "health reports," which is why I now only discuss the weather and piano recitals and puppy training and car purchases with my loved ones. Thank you, though, for the opportunity to revisit Dr. Ioannides' early data again. : )

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My future travel plans keep changing as I watch little old men and women get arrested for making statements of truth. I saw a video taken by an elderly gentleman who had the audacity to take video of Palestinian flags adorning a British street and post it to twitter with something like a WTF comment he made, leading to law enforcement showing up to his home weeks later for his "hate" speech. With my Big mouth I would likely end up in the Tower of London, but so far Ireland still appears to be safe. I will keep doing what I can to be a positive influence for the future from my sheep farm in Florida. You are right when you say all of these insurgencies are connected, but there are many of us not confused (and never will be confused) and we need to keep yelling. Thank you for your voice. Scene from "The Killing Fields" that sums up this evil for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcdqK0GfbQ8

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A sheep farm in Florida! Wow -- I didn't know you could do sheep in that climate. I'm surrounded by them here (not just the animal kind lol, just kidding, but not really) in our cool temperate climate.

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I raise a breed of hair sheep, sheep bred strictly for meat (and the coat). Many are from hot climates. They have few or no woolly fibers and self-shed. I have a breed, katahdin, developed in the US. Most of my girls also have a little bit of white dorper, a South African hair sheep breed. Both breeds are very parasite resistant. I always wanted to farm and after my navy career we were able to afford to develop some pine timberland into nice pasture. Someday I may even make it profitable, but small farming is tough. We also have bee hives but as I've aged, I'm now unable to safely lift the boxes when full of honey. My husband (a non-farmer) is going to take that over and hopefully get a helper. The last thing I'm working on is keeping some bahia grass areas uncut and planted with loads of pollinators. I didn't know if many flowering plants would make it competing with the bahia (it has a very deep root system), but so far so good. The ecosystem of the tall grass attracts its own insects and the insect population has been growing and next spring I hope to see a blanket of butterflies and hummingbirds, along with the grasshoppers, fireflies and other insects that like the tall grass. If the pollinator patches keep improving and attracting insects like they did this year, I might even be able to do some agri-tourism. It seems like the Irish are resisting the borg better than Londoners, at least from the pictures of the masses of sheep protesting in the streets of London.

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How fascinating re: your agricultural efforts. Thanks for sharing.

But sadly no, Ireland is 99.99 percent an Israeli hating place. It's startling and upsetting and demoralising.

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I did not know that about Ireland. I'm demoralized by much these days, but lambing will start any day now and the new life always lifts me up!

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That’s so wonderful. We just moved to Palm City, Florida- lots of ranches, farm and preserve here. We really like it. We are surrounded by cattle and horses but also lots of civilization just down the road. What area of Florida are you in?

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We’re in the woods off I-10, west of Crestview about 10 miles. I grew up mostly in Pensacola

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The Ivy League University are in the cooler climes, it is where SHEEPLE thrive.🐑🐏

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Wow,, brilliant analysis.

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Thanks mom.

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Truly thoughtful and well connected article. Thank you for looking at Mao and not simply pointing a finger at Hitler. Hitler is horrific, but we are well aware of his atrocities due to the cooperation of the German people since the end of WWII in identifying the terror as terror. Most westerners do not understand the scale of the death and devastation Lenin, Stalin, and Mao directed. Can I share your analysis on X?

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Of course! Share at will! Thank you. ☺️

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Get rid of cellphones and this mostly all goes away.

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Some have been conditioned to think that if they yell loudly enough and parrot enough woke phrases, that gives them some sort of moral superiority. Actually, they are just openly displaying their sad ignorance of history and of reality, not to mention a pathetic lack of wisdom.

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Oh Jenny, this is such an important essay, and one that i hope you will develop and amplify. You have unique insight that is missing - or only loosely developed— in the public sphere.

Many of us sense the nefarious force but hesitate to name it (if only it were merely Mao-ism we’d have power to fight it). Many of us struggle within our issue-silos, unable to reach our fellow “dissident elites” who yell from *their* silos, and so none of us can quite stitch together the bigger and more terrible picture. Divided, we cling to our important but incomplete arguments; we talk but we can’t quite see. Very little happens.

But these last couple of weeks I’m hearing scattered murmurs from unexpected voices: This is more than politics, more than culture wars, more than dissidents or or “elites” or whatever we imagine sets us apart from what is happening : Evil is afoot and no one is safe. Anyone who has not yet been mesmerized by it will need a strength we’ve only heard about in sacred texts and pre-1990s history books, to defend against it. We’ve been trained by “The Narrative” to reject the lessons of hour ancestors, to condemn all traditional ways as unjust, backward, exploitative, false— as obstacles to human thriving. Even we spiritual types were persuaded to self-censor our natural awareness (what Naomi Wolf calls “The Last Taboo”) to stay in good standing with the elite circles where we hoped to be included.

So even as we’ve yelled from our respective dissident silos, Evil is coming for us too. Not only do we lack human power to stop it, we lack human power to join it. If we are to resist it, we will need to reprogram ourselves, because even we have been brainwashed we can scarcely trust ourselves. In some ways we allowed this to happen because it made things easier. It will take courage to swallow the antidote, and even to recognize it among all the lovely little bottles.

Where can we recover the moral clarity that’s been muddled? How will we even recognize Truth if it is in front of us? Who will comfort us and strengthen us when people turn against us, as they will. How so we can withstand the attacks of those still mesmerized, without destroying them or becoming them? In a sea of power battles, what is the the Power to set things right, that we were trained to shun, that tugs on our hearts through senses we were told to suppress?

Listen to the call, everyone. The war that Jenny describes is real, and you are needed.

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I want to respond to this comment but every sentence is worthy of its own essay. Suffice it to say that chasing the illusion of prestige has lead a lot of people very, very astray.

Thank you very much!

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"We are all either captured by or purveyors of these narratives of misfortune, and that fact has been successfully leveraged to divide and control us"


this explains so much at the heart of our current dilemma and identity politics...

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For each of us, these are our own Charlie Hebdo moments. And too many – like David Shipley at WaPo – are failing.

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Basically all of the press has failed.

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A lot of ‘moral preening’. I think a lot of people are empty inside. No religion minimal relationships. These insurgencies are almost orgiastic. Real life is boring for these people.

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I also wait with interest to see if Hamas has been far cleverer than we thought. Not only provoking the Israeli backlash, but setting up the al-Shifa as a decoy target. IF it turns out Hamas conned both the Israeli and US Intelligence services and al-Shifa has no tunnels beneath it, Israel loses, and very badly in the eyes of the anti-Semitic world.

The (reputedly drug fuelled) Hamas atrocities of 7th October would have then proved spectacularly successful as they drove Israel into a potentially unconsidered response on a decoy target that an anti-Semitic world love to use as a big stick to beat Israel with.

But, that apart. How long before another Islamic terror attack in the UK? Have the useful idiots not noticed how these terrorists seem to love targeting women, and particularly young women and girls at pop concerts?

What if they target Glastonbury? Or another pop concert arena where young girls are in the majority?

The only good news is that the terrorists in the UK are usually suicide bombers, so none would remain alive to display the naked, defiled dead girls in the back of trucks while screaming about the greatness of their god. (I deliberately refuse to put a capital G for any god who wants naked defiled young women's bodies paraded through the streets to the cheers of men, women and children as was the case with Hamas in Gaza.)

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Yes, good question re: Hamas. I'm wondering something similar. What is the real agenda behind this? Was it a spectacular "success" which they did not think would get as far as it did? Similar things were said about 9/11. This attack is even more opaque to me. After COVID I began to feel much more skeptical of every sound that comes out of the mouth of any American official, and in the case of this attack, there are so many interests at play. I will probably never know!

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The UK COVID enquiry has me thinking the same about ALL Governments. The modern elite must think we all had as dumbed down an education as they had if they can't see how obvious their bias is. For so many Governments to behave the same, I came to the conclusion that they don't just sit around enjoying the view at Davos.

Here's an amazing piece including a Zoom video where a Liverpool Uni Doctor is clearly squirming in embarrassment as he admits to another Doctor that he basically bent to pressure to discredit Ivermectin. Only the fact that I'm from Liverpool and I know that shortly afterwards Liverpool Uni got millions in grants from the people who opposed Ivermectin makes me believe that it was a genuine video because I have never seen even Fauci squirm and wriggle so literally, in a video as this man as he tries to defend his 'about turn' and betrayal of his promise to promote it.


J wait for that little snippet to be presented to the COVID enquiry.

As for Hamas, it is looking like they weren't wasn't as smart as I feared, as Israel now has some footage of tunnels, and , I believe, hostages being forced into the hospital. 2 of whom died/were murdered either there or nearby.

I'm hoping that what we know, ie Hamas didn't tell Iran and Iran has backed off because of it, is the reality and that Hamas were dumb. But even more shocking for me is that given the fact Hamas actually paraded the dead and broadcast their obscenities there are STILL people in the West who march to support them.

Finally, In the 3 score and ten years I've been on this earth, never have I seen such rank hypocrisy, lies and complete stupidity exhibited so often and covering so many issues as I've seen in the last 5+ years and such ignorance on behalf of so many of the young.

As for our leaders, we are truly ruled by Morons OR people whose agenda is NOT conducive to a happy future life for the majority of us plebs but they seem to think it will be for them.

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"never have I seen such rank hypocrisy, lies and complete stupidity exhibited so often and covering so many issues as I've seen in the last 5+ years and such ignorance on behalf of so many of the young."

Yes, agreed. But everything the young are suffering from can be laid at the door of Boomer and Gen X fools and misanthropes and snobs, wanting to either indulge their eternal adolescence or malevolently destroy the minds of their offspring. It's shocking the crimes that we've committed against these young people.

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I generalised, not all the young are so ignorant. You are right, the young learn from their teachers at first,. It is only when they start on their own in life that they learn for themselves AND question what they were taught if it doesn't match up to their reality. It won't.

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JO, I truly believe we've passed the rubicon in the UK and elsewhere - in the sense that terrorists could do in England exactly what they did in Israel with little resistance or consequence - and they know it. Just watch the countless videos of impotent constables going after elderly folks holding Union Jack flags while pro- Hamas demonstrators with faces covered are curtsied to. The west is falling nearly at terminal velocity now. Our enemies have preyed upon the virtues given to us by Christianity (tolerance, non-violence, the equal dignity of all people, compassion for downtrodden and poor) virtues which we've traded for post-modern garbage like CRT and gender ideology because we prefer to be our own gods rather than acknowledging the actual God - like spoiled, narcissistic children.

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Whilst I agree in some ways, I disagree in others. For instance, I think the problem is that we have an easy life (relatively speaking) and so the majority have got on with their lives and left the boring politics etc with fanatics and shysters who have then come to be in charge of the levers of power.

BUT it is starting to get harder, and will continue to do so because the financial shenanigans of the past 30 years won't be reversed easily, add in the Net Zero insanity and it will soon start to have serious consquences

Net Zero is insane, and one only has to watch the Energy Dashboard apps to note how windmills and solar are a joke when it comes to maintaining power in a modern first world grid.

Keep pressing on with Net Zero and we truly will squander not only future progress BUT the capital we have already built up.

We have 30Gw of wind farms installed, yet at the moment of posting it is returning 17Gw - just over half AND that 17 Gw is to supply a 40Gw demand. So even on a good day we need to double to 60Gw the wind capacity to get near demand.

Yet on evening of Sept 9th, that 30Gw was producing 1.2Gw to a demand of 37Gw. That is pre-industrial Revolution levels of energy availability if you relied on wind. Solar installed capacity is reputedly about 14Gw. As I post Solar is producing is 0.15Gw - and as the hours move on, by 18:00 that 14Gw of Solar will produce NOTHING.

We are pouring billions predicted to be trillions into this Net Zero lark AND it is all based on Computer Models - NOT reality. The Models are now so out of sync with satellite measurements etc that it is becoming almost impossible for the IPCC and the Greens to stifle the opposition as they have managed to do for decades.

Once the economic consequences of Net Zero hit, then all those people who were content to leave the politics to others, will NOT sit by idle. The ULEZ Blade Runners is only a start and show what will happen. Doomberg (sadly a lot behind a paywall) is excellent on reality and has many very good quotes about what our moronic rulers are up to regarding Net Zero.

"On the path from abundance to starvation is riot"

“In the battle between physics and platitudes, physics is undefeated.”

Then this latest paragraph,

"Energy has driven much of geopolitical strategy since the advent of commercially developed fossil fuels. World wars have been decided by which side had the readiest access to oil, and diplomats around the globe seem to grasp why the Middle East sits at the center of much political jockeying—it isn’t because of the sand. Our entire financial system is predicated on cheap, abundant energy and would surely collapse in its absence. Energy is life, the lack of energy is death, and there is not much nuance in between."

The UK FIRES report is worth reading if you want to see just how insane our leaders are. My MP brushed it aside because " It is for Absolute Zero, we are pursuing Net Zero." In a country the size of the UK with our land mass, there is No "Net Zero" we haven't anything remotely like the capacity to 'Net' off our carbon emissions except by closing virtually everything down so to all intents and purposes "Net Zero" for the UK is "Absolute Zero" - in which case, the UK is going to starve long before 2050 as the report points out we will need No Shipping, No Flying and No fossil fuels by 2050. We cannot feed 70m without the first and last of those. What Germany tried in 2 world wars, our Government is volunteering to achieve with a population of almost twice the size.

There will be a revolution IF no party scraps Net Zero.

Here are Kiplings of Big Steamers (after the add!)


Though nowadays they are diesels and container vessels, BUT the consequences will be vore extreme if they were stopped. The Chunnel rail tracks would melt if it all had to be brought by rail.

That is before we face up to Islamic fundametalism!

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you point out a good reason why western nations should end their support for israel until israel ends the occupation, starvation and genocide of millions of people. israeli unfair and illegal and unnecessary and counter productive occupation makes western nations less safe. not more safe.

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Israel is currently keeping the terrorists occupied. Islamists are NOT going to stop at Israel. We should be backing Israel to the hilt.

How is Manchester Arena not up there in lights as to what these people do? It isn't a suburb of Tel Aviv, it wasn't a meeting of NATO military personnel, or any military or police or political party. It was an Ariana Grande concert being attended by mainly young girls, basically children and a suicide bomber targeted it and them.

Did you not see the videos Hamas put up and exulted over, including the exhibiting the semi-naked body of a defiled young girl. The Hamas video showed people in Gaza, men women and children cheering at that sight.

You need you head examining if you have any support for Hamas or any of the Islamic fanatics out there.

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there are no "terrorists". people like the hamas attackers are just responding to being trapped in an illegal harsh prison for the past 56 years. native Palestinians are trapped, starved bombed via israels illegal military siege which has been going on for 56 years. all of these actions by israel are illegal, immoral, unnecessary and counter productive. Israel is performing a genocide against innocent defenceless native people. no, theyre not fighting imaginary "terrorists". Israel is making all western nations unsafe via their illegal and phony effort. israel is making themselves more unsafe via thier illegal and bogus genocide.

The modern state of Israel had a rocky start. and then it was part of the US cold war effort. but the cold war is over as it relates to israel. the oslo accords where ment to allow israel to stop fighting with the defenceless natives. the defenceless natives stopped fighting, with the exception of a few holdouts. on the israel side the hold outs are the party in power. they murdered Rabin and set a new plan to illegally ethnically cleanse millions of native people from the area these native people have lived in for 1000s of years. the last time jewish people had any significant % in palestine was 5th century. the jewish people in israel now are mostly white people from europe and US. these white people from US and europe are intent on illegal ethnic cleansing and genocide of millions of native people. this illegal plan puts western nations at risk. theres no reason why there cant be two states in palestine. native arabs pose zero threat to israel. yes, what hamas did was wrong. but this was caused by the occupation itself. hamas is a crime issue nothing more

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ROFL - you clearly don't listen to or read Hamas and its propaganda. They target women and children - they post videos of their deeds.

So I see you as the problem and like Hamas, you will not respond to reason. So I won't bother you with trying it. In the meantime I will cheer Israel on from the sidelines.

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hamas is zero threat to israel's existence or statehood. zero. im not to sure what you dont understand about that. in the US there is crime in every magor city. if in the US we kept millions in an illegal harsh prison for 56 years with no hope for resolution, 100% of US citizens would expect and understand if some of these prisoners who are illegally detained occasionally escaped and killed a few people. people who are occupied are allowed to defend themselves against an illegal genocide. israeli hawks expect these starved and jailed natives to defend themself too. thats why isreal financed the creation of hamas in the 1980s. israel is cynically designing and enacting the genocide of millions of innocent native people. no, hamas isnt a threat to israel. they are a crime issue. they are a natural responce to the illegal harsh military siege of millions of native people that has been ongoing for 56 years.

israel could end the occupation tomarrow. it would be safer if it did. but israel instead is enacting a genocide based on 1000 lies. weve all seen this movie before. in the US the southern states justified slavery based on lies. and then george custer claimed native americas were a threat. george custer chased native americans all around the US slaughtering them. what israel is doing is nothing new

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I am going to leave this comment here as a testament to just how correct I am in my thesis that people are undergoing not intellectual disagreement but emotional hijacking leading to denial of reality, obsession, and monomania. Apart from that, Kyle, whoever you are, kindly fuck off.

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I think a Doomberg quote from Bertrand Russel is needed here, it is aimed at the Green nutcases by Doomberg, but it applies perfectly to you and the comment you wrote.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” – Bertrand Russell

What don't you understand by 1500 dead? 22 died in the Manchester Arena bombings, and that would have been an act of war had it been identified as a foreign powers intentional act.

Israel is far smaller than us, and 1500 dead is the bare facts. The 1500 were women, children, girls in the main and what was done to them would sicked anyone (not you it seems) so don't try and gaslight us all By all means lie to yourself, I'm not sure I could find a lie big enough to salve my conscience if I supported Hamas. I will not reply to anything you post from now on, as I believe it is more to try and convince yourself than anyone else Good luck with that, you'll need it.

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The population of Gaza (and Arabs in Israel itself) has grown massively in the last few decades. There is no genocide going on. The 2 million Arabs living in Israel have rights and opportunities that those living under Hamas' rule could only dream of. Please look at a map of the Arab world, which dwarfs the tiny speck of land which represents Israel, by millions of square miles. Then please notice that Jews are the ones who've been ethnically cleansed form that entire massive region. There are essentially no Jews living in dozens of Arab countries (which they used to live in) because they've been driven out. Do you know why not a single Arab country is willing to receive refugees from Gaza? Ponder that.

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The modern state of Israel had a rocky start. and then it was part of the US cold war effort. but the cold war is over as it relates to israel. the oslo accords where ment to allow israel to stop fighting with the defenceless natives. the defenceless natives stopped fighting, with the exception of a few holdouts. on the israel side the hold outs are the party in power. they murdered Rabin and set a new plan to illegally ethnically cleanse millions of native people from the area these native people have lived in for 1000s of years. the last time jewish people had any significant % in palestine was 5th century. the jewish people in israel now are mostly white people from europe and US. these white people from US and europe are intent on illegal ethnic cleansing and genocide of millions of native people. this illegal plan puts western nations at risk. theres no reason why there cant be two states in palestine. native arabs pose zero threat to israel. yes, what hamas did was wrong. but this was caused by the occupation itself. hamas is a crime issue nothing more.

"the population of Gaza (and Arabs in Israel itself) has grown massively in the last few decades."

not sure if you know that millions of palestinians have already been displaced by israel to adjacient countries. not sure why you care if people have babies.

"There is no genocide going on."

Yes, what israel is doing is genocide. look up genocide in the dictionary. israel could easily end the occupation of millions of natives in west bank and gaza tomarrow. theres zero reason why the occupation continues. not sure if your aware that israel has kept millions of people in a harsh illegal prison called the west bank and gaza for 56 years. these people are being systematically starved, bombed and removed from their land. this is illegal . it has no justification. it puts all western nations at risk.

"The 2 million Arabs living in Israel have rights and opportunities that those living under Hamas' rule could only dream of."

so what? wow, you really sound racist when you complain that some arabs are doing ok. the arabs living in gaza have been trapped in an illegal prison enforced by israel. not sure if you know what a military siege is. the people in the west bank and gaza have been living under an illegal millitary siege for 56 years. thats not hamas fault. thats israels fault. its israel that has trapped starved bombed the native people, not hamas.

"Please look at a map of the Arab world, which dwarfs the tiny speck of land which represents Israel, by millions of square miles. Then please notice that Jews are the ones who've been ethnically cleansed form that entire massive region. There are essentially no Jews living in dozens of Arab countries (which they used to live in) because they've been driven out. Do you know why not a single Arab country is willing to receive refugees from Gaza? Ponder that"

whats going on in israel has nothing to do with other countries. youre argument is that because a handful of jewish people suffered discrimination somewhere sometime that israel should illegally slaughter millions of native people in palestine?

people everywhere have suffered throughout history. not just jewish people. what Israel is doing is genocide. and its unnecessary. native arabs pose zero threat to israel. in fact, israeli security would be improved if they would end its illegal occupation and genocide of native people.

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I can tell you why the Israeli occupation continues. Israel at its narrowest is about 18 miles across - a tank could cover that a couple of times in the time it took the 2000 Hamas murderers to kill and defile those Israel women, girls and children and the Palestinians make no secret of their desire to kill all Jews and wipe Israel off the face on the earth. They even shout it out loud on the streets of Britain.

There was a ceasefire supposedly in place when Hamas (reputedly drug crazed)? Though even that isn't a good excuse for such bestiality) went berserk on October 7th.

I"m not going to bother trying to convince you of anything. There are 2 distinct sides in this, you choose the one you want. You choose Hamas I don't. Lets just hope neither of us meets one of their ilk on the streets of Manchester or elsewhere when they are in the mood for blood.

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Thank for this, Jenny. You really articulated a lot of what I'm feeling and seeing these days and gave me some food for thought.

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Yes! Totally and I am all the more grateful for it. I believe in God and my faith has absolutely grown and come more sharply into view because God is logic to me. Sheer, pure logic! Jesus is the logos, word made flesh. I can't communicate enough how God is the the only thing that makes sense and that's more than alright with me.

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I can't believe I'm saying this, but...you are correct. Same with me.

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Not only have the various dissident groups been fractured over all these controversies, but the RFK, Jr. supporters have become fractured over Israel/ Palestine now. And of course there are new groups advocating for censorship due to anti-Semitism. Always a new group on the censorship bandwagon.

With Israel/ Palestine I think the first question is, what are the possible larger agendas? Secondly, I try not to base my opinions on knee jerk reactions to whatever hijinks the woke crowd is up to, regardless of how obnoxious they can be. I see some of that in dissident thinkers I usually respect.

I've also been disappointed to see that a lot of "dissident" voices now seem like the types who would have accused you of supporting the terrorists if you questioned the Iraq War. It is head-spinning.

On the question of evil, subjects like the supernatural, traditional religion, the occult, aliens, ancient history, and Freemasonry have always tended to put me to sleep, try as I might to understand them. But I did recently become familiar with S.K. Bain's "The Most Dangerous Book in the World" and well, hey, maybe there are powerful people stuffing their old, flabby bodies into ceremonial robes and coming up with ever more diabolical ideas. It does kind-of feel that way.

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"The ultimate aim of this global insurgency remains unclear, at least to me —is it neo-Maoism? Is it transhumanism? Is it an unholy alliance of state capitalism and authoritarianism? Is it American imperialism on steroids? Is it Satan himself? I have yet to be convinced who the villain is, but the fact that there is one, and is driving a global insurgency, could not be clearer."

I wouldn't go so far as to bring Satan into this, insofar as we want to remain tethered to concrete reality and not merge into a mythic generality that can apply anywhere, everywhere, any time.

I like to palpate the contours of this hidden Cabal through the framework of the major Narratives it seems to be promoting: Cimate, CRT, Covid, Transgender, Ukraine -- and now Israel.

However, the new Israel Narrative unlike all the other Narratives seems to have internal fissures, as evidenced by, among many other things, the fact that the World Health Organization recently called on Israel for a ceasefire. I don't know what this means, other than it might reflect relative limitations on the power of the Cabal. (I tend to avoid those ultra-conspiratorial flourishes that explain all apparent limitations on some elaborate wicked psy-op game the Evil Bond Villains are playing with us.)

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I mostly agree with what you are saying here, in that there is clearly an Israeli narrative and many people's chains are being yanked (including two people here on this comment thread.)

However, I am going to go to bat for my Satan theory! 😏 Things have gotten so crazy that I think it's the exact time we need a "mythic generality" to help us see the concrete reality. Allegory and myth are actually foundations for analysis, imho.

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Even deeper than Satan perhaps (or equivalent to that symbolism) I can show through an extensive quote from one of my blogs about the 1968 TV show "The Prisoner":

The show was an existential diagnosis of the problem of our own side being the enemy, explored through the protagonist played by Patrick McGoohan, a secret agent working for British intelligence who one day is suddenly kidnapped with a sack over his head, thrown in a van, and knocked out, only to wake up on a strange island somewhere far away. On the island is a curiously quaint village with people who sit at outdoor cafes and almost seem to be like props. He is given a nice little cabana to live in, and is told he is now "Number Six" (prompting a leitmotif where at various times he shouts at them, "I am not a number! I am a FREE MAN!!!" Periodically he is summoned into a chamber to be interrogated with head games by "Number Two". Though he keeps requesting to meet "Number One" he is never granted his request. He tries to escape the island, but whenever he does, a strange bobbing white ball (nicknamed "Rover") is deployed to roll and bounce along and stop him.

Unlike many TV series, this one had an ending to cap off the whole story, and it was a doozy: McGoohan finally finds a way to escape the island, and finally finds his way back to London. The first thing he wants to do is return to the scene of the crime -- his flat, whence his assailants had kidnapped him so long before.

When he gets there, he sees a monkey (or chimp) sitting there grinning like... a monkey. His instinct tells him to go over and rip the monkey's head off, as it is only a mask. Under the mask is... himself! Years later, McGoohan was interviewed and he provided an intriguing explanation for what was meant:


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