I’m all for consenting adults doing what they want in the privacy of their bedrooms, but the licentiousness on public display, the upending of hard science, and sexual quirkiness as a resume point, are all mind-boggling to me. I feel as though there’s not a normal place left to which I could even escape.

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In theory, yes, I too am not overly concerned with what adults do in their own private lives. However, I think society needs an injection of conservative morality (and I say that as someone who has never lived that lifestyle, to be perfectly honest) to instil a bit of shame back in. Shame is a necessary correction, it *can be* a signal that what you are doing, you should not be doing. A society with no shame is like a person with no sense of smell or taste -- without it, how do you know that what you are consuming is rotten and will make you very sick? My main point, though, that this must be done at an individual or familial level -- because once government starts policing morality, then the horrors really start. See: Biden admin's love affair with mutilating children.

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I don't know how many times the "crazy conspiracy theories" have to be proven right (not only proven right, but realized to be mere hints at the actual depraved authoritarian evil that's spreading through the world.) Such an incredibly effective game - just label things "right wing conspiracies" or "nothingburgers" and voila - carte blanche to do limitless damage in the name of sick personal strokes (ego or otherwise.)

As is ALWAYS true, the most vulnerable will take the brunt - and that always means children. (It often includes other people as well, but it always includes children.) The twisted up-is-down language strategy is somehow still accepted - the "caring, harm-reductionist, equity-loving" elite authoritarian "Progresssives" *somehow* end up wreaking the most grievous destruction worldwide.

They demand "green" technologies that are entirely dependent on torturing and poisoning Congolese child cobalt miners, they demand abortion policies that support snipping the spinal cords of healthy halfway-newborns, they "magnanimously" grant "rights of consent" to children who have been convinced they need to be sterilized and/or raped (depending on where in the world they live) because it's in their own best interests - "they'll kill themselves otherwise" or "love isn't limited by age" or "their impoverished 3rd world family needs the sweaty fat white guy's money..."

Anyone or anything that opposes them is branded the ever-intensifying epithet-of-the-week - "deplorable", "backward", "gun/bible clinging", "uncaring", "right-wing", "fascist", "conspiracy theorist", "extremist", "racist", "nazi", "oppressor", "transphobic", "threat to democracy", "terrorist", "literal genocidal maniac"...

So many "1st world games." People in Sudan aren't worried about being called a mean name. Children being raped *this*exact*minute by a drunk, rich westerner in a dirty South Asian back room don't have nightmares about "nazis." Congolese mothers holding their dying cobalt-miner children are not crying because there's a "threat to Democracy." Those are the people whose basic human rights the UN was *supposed* to be protecting. But no.

The UN/WHO/WEF are all incensed that individual countries have the temerity to go after people who rape kids. The gaul to condemn the exalted class for their hypocrisy. The unimaginable sense that their citizens might be permitted to question how the people doing the most harm in the world are being the most handsomely rewarded.

Call me whatever name you want. Except one of them.

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"Such an incredibly effective game - just label things "right wing conspiracies" or "nothingburgers" and voila - carte blanche to do limitless damage in the name of sick personal strokes (ego or otherwise.)"

This is it, exactly. I spend a huge amount of time thinking about this, because I have been called those things and it's just so weird and confusing...until you realise that this the most successful marketing/psy op in the history of the world. There are so many elements to this and they all make my brain hurt.

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I despair🫣

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Do not despair! That's what the bastards want!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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What did YOU think was a good idea at age 13? Or 8? Do you have the same perspective as an adult as you did then? THAT’S the point. The life experience isn’t there yet to make consent possible.

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the UN language is either overly lax or clever.

“sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual.”

"involving" doesn't necessarily mean ONLY involving minors. They left that ambiguity open either out of sloppiness or cleverness.

Secondly, even if it meant ONLY among minors, it still paves the way for the concept that minors can consent to sex -- a necessary stepping stone to normalization of pedophilia.

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Sloppiness or cleverness, foolishness of malevolence, incompetence or grand conspiracy -- this the question of our time. And I'm truly on the fence, still, at this point. There are times I think: "this has to be orchestrated by some unseen superpower", and other times i'm like, "Jesus these people are fucking morons who couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery."

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No doubt there's a lot of incompetence going on. The extent and interlocking coordination of the Covid Project, however, seemed too comprehensive to explain merely with incompetence. The whole LGBTQ/Trans thing also seems to be an internationally coordinated project.

Jennifer Bilek's video plus James Lindsay's video (about 1 hour total) are a good place to start:



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Several paragraphs before I got to this sentence --"I’m sure this report has absolutely nothing to do with the many accusations of child sex abuse and trafficking levelled against UN peacekeepers in multiple countries"-- what was running through my mind was that they are creating protections for powerful child traffickers.

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I mean, everything that happens is further evidence that the conspiracy theorists were really onto something. We'll have to rename them the conspiracy factualists at some point in the near future 🤣🤣🤣

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My heart feels weighted down by these examples of darkness and depravity that you have brought to our attention, Jenny. After reading this essay (which, I confess, caused me to cry), I had to remind myself that, in order to heal, one first needs to become aware of the unwholeness that exists within the deep levels of a structure, whether that structure be a physical body, a political or religious system, an ecosystem, one's national culture, or one's collective species. I think the root of humanity's acts of sexual depravity, which you reported upon today, goes deep within the "collective unconscious" (to quote Jung). I can only hope that the solutions to our collective disease will soon begin to wend their way into our subconscious minds because I don't know how much more of this darkness I can take. Jenny, as emotionally painful as it has been for me to read your essay today, I thank you for bringing these unsettling accounts to my attention. Oddly enough, at the end of your essay, after my tears were dried and my nose was blown, I was surprised to discover that some small part of me is still holding on to the hope that humanity won't always be so fucked up.

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I'm sorry I made you cry! 🤣 But yes, unfortunately, we must confront the darkness and the ugliness and the sickness, we must be clear-eyed and face it head on. Every true statement, spoken out loud, even if in a shaky or quiet voice, mends the fabric of society a little bit. Not to be super cheesy but I read my comments and I come away so comforted that there still are calm, reasonable people in the world. So thank you!

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There is a serious danger of the USA ceding power to the World Health Organization within the next month. All of this is paving the way for an end times one world government. Former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann talked about this on a radio program with Jan Markell just this week. It can be accessed at olivetreeviews.org (click on Radio - Current Program)

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The whole damn point of an “age of consent” is that kids can’t do that. And they can’t because when you’re a kid you are conditioned to DO WHAT AN ADULT SAYS.

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The conspiracy theory of one world government may in fact be TRUE!? God help us all

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Not “stealing” - “borrowing boldly!” PS. Liked your most recent piece for spiked.

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Your are a messaging genius! (PS thank you)

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The UN – and what now passes for Western "culture" – is assaulting Responsibility (Freedom's homely twin) in the name of "Liberty," which is their alias for License.

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"Responsibility (Freedom's homely twin)" is a perfect phrase and I may very well steal it. Bravo!

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Jenny, Your subject, today has penetrated small town local politics. You are a classified as a “Hater” for disagreeing that hairy men drag queens serve a purpose performing while reading to young children

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There’s a reason why there’s an “Alex Jones was right jar” meme. Yeah he’s wrong about a lot of things but he’s also been right about a lot of things.

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