It’ll get much much worse before most people start taking notice. It’s like entropy is increasing and at some point we won’t be able to contain the fallout. It’s a recipe for chaos, incompetent leaders, soaring prices, food shortages and several looming political corruption cases. When does it burst?

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That is the million (or with inflation, trillion) dollar question!!

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What comes after a Trillion? At the rate we are going we need to know!

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Left wing media, because of its extreme toxic hatred of Trump, suppressed the story of Hunter Biden's escapades before the election (when the reporting could have and probably would have made a difference in the election). There are countless people walking around thinking that they based their voting decisions on sound rational criteria when, in fact, they were duped.

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I know. It's really something to see.

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I wish Biden would just have a total mental meltdown on national television, so bad that even the farthest left can't deny or spin it. Then we could be done with him and put Harris in the spotlight so she can start the process of imploding. We need to get this nightmare done instead of dragging it out for another three years. Like ripping off a bandage as quickly as possible.

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I agree!

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