Jenny, this is the best writing I've seen in a very long time. Thank God you have all your fingers and your keyboard, and thank God Substack exists to give you a voice.
With your consent, I'm sending copies to a dozen of my US friends to further their education.
Curious how they can condone Hamas atrocities, but a riot in Dublin after another (I'll bet he was a Muslim Irishman) attacks children and the population respond violently and it isn't OK.
Mind you , for Sinn Fein defending the direct attack on women and children is a return to their historic past - Warrington bomb for a start.
It's the narrative, which must be protected at all costs. The 'right' protests are stunning and brave, but the 'wrong' protests are insurrection and far-right hooligans.
Correct! Though I have to say that the most blatant is the USA. I cannot believe that the summer the US Cities were in flames was NOT an insurrection, when what appeared to me to be the equivalent of the UK's Monster Raving Loony party's day out in the Capitol was!!
Trump may not be ideal, but he tells fewer lies than the mainstream politicians and after the unbelievable number of law suits against him, I do now wonder if he was robbed of the last election .
Finally, there is just so much parallel anti-democratic actions by diverse Western Governments AND their official oppositions back them, I am now wondering if they actually plan it together when they all meet up in Davos.
In fact, I'm starting to believe the Conspiracy Theories!
Thank you for this--a true primer. Riots, as unsettling as they are, can also clear matters for a time. In the U.S., they've definitely clarified that our universities and colleges are about the business of hating Jewish people and backing terrorism and asynchronous warfare. In Ireland, it seems, the riots have clarified the anger that the rest of us feel at these monstrous things.
“the traumatised-by-poverty Irish gratefully sent their children to good schools where, a generation or two later, their children were being transformed into gender-fluid libtards who believe everything Greta Thunberg says and hate Jews.”
Just like here in the US, minus the poverty part. 🤷🏻♂️
We are all deplorables and if the deplorables worldwide ever figure that out and start holding the politicians and industries to account, we will see a huge stride for a better future.
Leftists find it convenient to be the ones to define what "hate" is. Yet they would probably gag if they ever thought about what love is. As we read in Romans 8, "neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
I felt deeply touched by your essay today, Jenny, most especially because I have ancestors from Ireland and have always felt that I have invisible strings, deep within myself, connecting me to Ireland. As I was reading your words today, I could feel the tug of those inner strings and I found myself saying, "Oh, Country of my Ancestors. What have you come to?" But also this morning, after reading your essay, I read Douglas Murray's weekly column at The Free Press and it brought some amount of comfort to me. Murray's column today focuses on T.S. Eliot's poetry and ends with a passage from "Four Quartets":
For me, though, the thing of utmost importance that has been lost is our connection to God, ... a memory of who we truly are (Children of God). But what gives me hope is that I can, on my own, continue to try and remember who and what I truly am, even as some dark-minded individuals attempt to destroy the civilization of my ancestors or the civilization of my current country (the US). All that matters is that for me (to quote from that same poem from T.S. Eliot) "there is only the trying."
The Progressives - so lost in a maze of Nuance that they can't find their way to a truth. Never have been tested by real adversity - perhaps have never felt anything on their own. Avatars of Eliot's hollow men and women.
Oh they learned Scott. That’s why we’re seeing all of the tyranny happening across the world at the same time. These governments, universities, and NGOs have to indoctrinate the young and squash the dissidents. Their fear has turned them into psychopaths. They know they are outnumbered so they have to hurry up before we realize we have the majority. The more they can silo us, the quicker our freedoms will slip away. America was BUILT upon civil disobedience for God’s sake and look what’s happening to us!
Jews are overwhelmingly Leftist and by promoting Leftist policies & Zeitgeist, are responsible for the Islamophiliac West allowing in millions of unvetted Muslims over the past several decades, only intensifying post-911. I'm sick and fucking tired of walking on eggshells around Jews. Their Left-saturated culture should be condemned by all who recognize Leftism as a disastrous disease undermining the West, and don't insult my intelligence by gaslighting me or (I don't know if it's worse) pulling out the "anti-Semite" card. This looming "you'll bring back another Holocaust if you say that!" Damocles sword above every Goy in the West has been going on for too long and needs to stop. It can stop with each one of us saying enough is enough and not participating by calling ME an "anti-Semite" for posting this.
"Jews are overwhelmingly Leftist and by promoting Leftist policies & Zeitgeist, are responsible for the Islamophiliac West allowing in millions of unvetted Muslims over the past several decades, only intensifying post-911."
Simplistic twaddle. There is nothing Jewish about leftism. There are a lot more leftists who aren't Jewish. If every Jew had been in the centre and on the right, things would not have turned out any differently. There simply aren't enough Jews to make a difference.
I don't think you are an anti-semite, just another in a long line of people who makes an incorrect generalisation out of frustration at identity politics. But the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza are anti-semites. They want to kill or deport all the Jews in Israel. I thnk thatwould be a crime against humanity. I therefore park my politics and stand with Israel. Once the muslim s defeat Israel, they will next try and defeat the rest of the west.
I agree that many Jewish people wrongly supported the sort of left wing policies that have led us to where we are now But if we support Israel we have a good way of convincing these people why left wing ideas are poisonous.
I don't agree with some of the reasons why Podhoretz and Prager (both Jews) speculate this is the case; but at least they aren't gaslighting the issue like most Jews and Jew supporters do.
On an organic level, there's a self-hating schizophrenia in Jewish culture which -- on the non-organic level -- one can infer is a spill-over from their Tikkun Olam project to make sure the horrible beast of Christianity never again has any sociopolitical power; a project they apparently have found the perfect weapon for: post-modern secularism and the Leftism baked into it.
Like the rest of the cancel culture purges, it's not the Jews who are slinging "anti-semite" nearly so much as the proggy Gentiles. That's on a personal level. On the business level, there are entire swaths of society in which any minor criticism will be called anti-semitic, and it's career ending. That's just fact.
I have a sizable Jewish family component, and we all get along just fine, but just like any other group of people, most Jewish are great while a few are grating.
The dole scrounger (Jozef Puska) was not a real Slovak--he's a Roma Gypsy.
He should have never been allowed into Ireland, along with every single Algerian, Iraqi, Nigerian, Somalian, or Pakistani. None of these people have any real claim to residence in Ireland, and there is nothing to integrate. They need to be removed. Nobody can even try the "colonization" nonsense because this isn't France or the UK (though Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark still get flooded with third worlders).
Stop rewarding. Start deporting. There is no other answer.
Yes, some of the Nigerian Christians I have met in my life have been great people as well (some were not, as with any other group), but that's not really the question. The problem is that every person takes the place of a citizen who wanted to work as a doctor, nurse, pharmacist, etc., which affects wages and hiring negatively overall. In Ireland in particular (less so America), Irish people are literally leaving to get a decent job, going to places like Australia. It's basically a population swap.
Furthermore, Nigerians can claim affirmative action in hiring/education as well, which has led to conflict between black people in the US who are descended from slaves versus well-off African immigrants (google that).
The question is, is there presence good for Irish or American workers, citizens, consumers, homeowners overall? Not really in the long run. This is especially true with a group like Indian immigrants who work in Silicon Valley and IT. Overall, they're nice people (not all, but plenty), but they cause a depression in wages and bring with them a new set of issues (caste discrimination in that case, google it). A good book about this is "We Wanted Workers" by George Borjas (a Cuban immigrant to the US).
Furthermore, the best people migrating causes a brain drain in Nigeria, which only makes the problem worse, which then causes more and more migration, until what? Until Nigeria is empty? Same with India. The smartest ones could be starting their own companies there and improving the economy and government, instead of running for president here.
I don't hate Nigerians, or anybody, but the question is whether or not highly educated Nigerians (or Indians) in the UK, US, or Ireland helps the native citizenry of those countries, and whether or not it further reduces the majority white population. Right now, there is literally open borders in Europe and US. It just can't continue like this. This doesn't mean they're bad people at all.
The Roma Gypsy though, and overall migrants from MENA and Turkey, are definitely overall a net negative when it comes to crime, public housing, strain on healthcare, using welfare benefits, etc., unlike Indian Hindus or Nigerian Christians.
Wouldn’t the working class Irish be considered the Indigenous population and the immigrants be considered Settler-Colonists?
Don't be silly, "indigenous" is code for "not white".
🤣 I knew there would be a flaw!
Jenny, this is the best writing I've seen in a very long time. Thank God you have all your fingers and your keyboard, and thank God Substack exists to give you a voice.
With your consent, I'm sending copies to a dozen of my US friends to further their education.
Of course! Thank you very much!
“They” are purposefully bringing all the original countries & cultures down.
Curious how they can condone Hamas atrocities, but a riot in Dublin after another (I'll bet he was a Muslim Irishman) attacks children and the population respond violently and it isn't OK.
Mind you , for Sinn Fein defending the direct attack on women and children is a return to their historic past - Warrington bomb for a start.
It's the narrative, which must be protected at all costs. The 'right' protests are stunning and brave, but the 'wrong' protests are insurrection and far-right hooligans.
Correct! Though I have to say that the most blatant is the USA. I cannot believe that the summer the US Cities were in flames was NOT an insurrection, when what appeared to me to be the equivalent of the UK's Monster Raving Loony party's day out in the Capitol was!!
Trump may not be ideal, but he tells fewer lies than the mainstream politicians and after the unbelievable number of law suits against him, I do now wonder if he was robbed of the last election .
Finally, there is just so much parallel anti-democratic actions by diverse Western Governments AND their official oppositions back them, I am now wondering if they actually plan it together when they all meet up in Davos.
In fact, I'm starting to believe the Conspiracy Theories!
Exactly. I go over that in my latest article, which is about this stabbing and the media response to it.
How the event is covered depends on the people involved. Democrats protest for The Right Reasons, whereas anybody else is A Danger To The People.
Thank you for this--a true primer. Riots, as unsettling as they are, can also clear matters for a time. In the U.S., they've definitely clarified that our universities and colleges are about the business of hating Jewish people and backing terrorism and asynchronous warfare. In Ireland, it seems, the riots have clarified the anger that the rest of us feel at these monstrous things.
“the traumatised-by-poverty Irish gratefully sent their children to good schools where, a generation or two later, their children were being transformed into gender-fluid libtards who believe everything Greta Thunberg says and hate Jews.”
Just like here in the US, minus the poverty part. 🤷🏻♂️
The schools obviously weren’t that good if they can’t their pupils enough to see through proggy nonsense
We are all deplorables and if the deplorables worldwide ever figure that out and start holding the politicians and industries to account, we will see a huge stride for a better future.
Leftists find it convenient to be the ones to define what "hate" is. Yet they would probably gag if they ever thought about what love is. As we read in Romans 8, "neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
I felt deeply touched by your essay today, Jenny, most especially because I have ancestors from Ireland and have always felt that I have invisible strings, deep within myself, connecting me to Ireland. As I was reading your words today, I could feel the tug of those inner strings and I found myself saying, "Oh, Country of my Ancestors. What have you come to?" But also this morning, after reading your essay, I read Douglas Murray's weekly column at The Free Press and it brought some amount of comfort to me. Murray's column today focuses on T.S. Eliot's poetry and ends with a passage from "Four Quartets":
“There is only the fight to recover what has been lost ..." (
For me, though, the thing of utmost importance that has been lost is our connection to God, ... a memory of who we truly are (Children of God). But what gives me hope is that I can, on my own, continue to try and remember who and what I truly am, even as some dark-minded individuals attempt to destroy the civilization of my ancestors or the civilization of my current country (the US). All that matters is that for me (to quote from that same poem from T.S. Eliot) "there is only the trying."
so good, Jenny, Bravo, a clarion call has gone from all over the world...
The Progressives - so lost in a maze of Nuance that they can't find their way to a truth. Never have been tested by real adversity - perhaps have never felt anything on their own. Avatars of Eliot's hollow men and women.
I have been waiting for Spirit is hurting...but your Heart is helping..
It’s almost as if the government didn’t learn anything from the troubles. You can’t stomp on the throats of working class without a backlash!
Oh they learned Scott. That’s why we’re seeing all of the tyranny happening across the world at the same time. These governments, universities, and NGOs have to indoctrinate the young and squash the dissidents. Their fear has turned them into psychopaths. They know they are outnumbered so they have to hurry up before we realize we have the majority. The more they can silo us, the quicker our freedoms will slip away. America was BUILT upon civil disobedience for God’s sake and look what’s happening to us!
Ding ding ding! The global incompetence is anything but!
Jews are overwhelmingly Leftist and by promoting Leftist policies & Zeitgeist, are responsible for the Islamophiliac West allowing in millions of unvetted Muslims over the past several decades, only intensifying post-911. I'm sick and fucking tired of walking on eggshells around Jews. Their Left-saturated culture should be condemned by all who recognize Leftism as a disastrous disease undermining the West, and don't insult my intelligence by gaslighting me or (I don't know if it's worse) pulling out the "anti-Semite" card. This looming "you'll bring back another Holocaust if you say that!" Damocles sword above every Goy in the West has been going on for too long and needs to stop. It can stop with each one of us saying enough is enough and not participating by calling ME an "anti-Semite" for posting this.
"Jews are overwhelmingly Leftist and by promoting Leftist policies & Zeitgeist, are responsible for the Islamophiliac West allowing in millions of unvetted Muslims over the past several decades, only intensifying post-911."
Simplistic twaddle. There is nothing Jewish about leftism. There are a lot more leftists who aren't Jewish. If every Jew had been in the centre and on the right, things would not have turned out any differently. There simply aren't enough Jews to make a difference.
I don't think you are an anti-semite, just another in a long line of people who makes an incorrect generalisation out of frustration at identity politics. But the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza are anti-semites. They want to kill or deport all the Jews in Israel. I thnk thatwould be a crime against humanity. I therefore park my politics and stand with Israel. Once the muslim s defeat Israel, they will next try and defeat the rest of the west.
I agree that many Jewish people wrongly supported the sort of left wing policies that have led us to where we are now But if we support Israel we have a good way of convincing these people why left wing ideas are poisonous.
substack doesn't accomodate screenshots here in comments, so I put them in a substack Note:
Links for two of the articles screenshot:
I don't agree with some of the reasons why Podhoretz and Prager (both Jews) speculate this is the case; but at least they aren't gaslighting the issue like most Jews and Jew supporters do.
We argue with our Jewish friends ALL THE TIME for their love of the lefties who hate them. Wake up already!
On an organic level, there's a self-hating schizophrenia in Jewish culture which -- on the non-organic level -- one can infer is a spill-over from their Tikkun Olam project to make sure the horrible beast of Christianity never again has any sociopolitical power; a project they apparently have found the perfect weapon for: post-modern secularism and the Leftism baked into it.
Like the rest of the cancel culture purges, it's not the Jews who are slinging "anti-semite" nearly so much as the proggy Gentiles. That's on a personal level. On the business level, there are entire swaths of society in which any minor criticism will be called anti-semitic, and it's career ending. That's just fact.
I have a sizable Jewish family component, and we all get along just fine, but just like any other group of people, most Jewish are great while a few are grating.
Ireland's PM is a gay Indian for Crissakes lol
The dole scrounger (Jozef Puska) was not a real Slovak--he's a Roma Gypsy.
He should have never been allowed into Ireland, along with every single Algerian, Iraqi, Nigerian, Somalian, or Pakistani. None of these people have any real claim to residence in Ireland, and there is nothing to integrate. They need to be removed. Nobody can even try the "colonization" nonsense because this isn't France or the UK (though Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark still get flooded with third worlders).
Stop rewarding. Start deporting. There is no other answer.
Yes, some of the Nigerian Christians I have met in my life have been great people as well (some were not, as with any other group), but that's not really the question. The problem is that every person takes the place of a citizen who wanted to work as a doctor, nurse, pharmacist, etc., which affects wages and hiring negatively overall. In Ireland in particular (less so America), Irish people are literally leaving to get a decent job, going to places like Australia. It's basically a population swap.
Furthermore, Nigerians can claim affirmative action in hiring/education as well, which has led to conflict between black people in the US who are descended from slaves versus well-off African immigrants (google that).
The question is, is there presence good for Irish or American workers, citizens, consumers, homeowners overall? Not really in the long run. This is especially true with a group like Indian immigrants who work in Silicon Valley and IT. Overall, they're nice people (not all, but plenty), but they cause a depression in wages and bring with them a new set of issues (caste discrimination in that case, google it). A good book about this is "We Wanted Workers" by George Borjas (a Cuban immigrant to the US).
Furthermore, the best people migrating causes a brain drain in Nigeria, which only makes the problem worse, which then causes more and more migration, until what? Until Nigeria is empty? Same with India. The smartest ones could be starting their own companies there and improving the economy and government, instead of running for president here.
I don't hate Nigerians, or anybody, but the question is whether or not highly educated Nigerians (or Indians) in the UK, US, or Ireland helps the native citizenry of those countries, and whether or not it further reduces the majority white population. Right now, there is literally open borders in Europe and US. It just can't continue like this. This doesn't mean they're bad people at all.
The Roma Gypsy though, and overall migrants from MENA and Turkey, are definitely overall a net negative when it comes to crime, public housing, strain on healthcare, using welfare benefits, etc., unlike Indian Hindus or Nigerian Christians.