Feb 24Liked by Jenny Holland

Well done, and bravely. It's tempting right now to jump on the feminist bandwagon, but really, it is partially responsible for where we are today, which Jenny explores in a very balanced manner. As someone who has often said to her daughters, "Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good", I have to admit that sometimes the good is simply not good enough. It is time to say no, and mean it.

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10 out of 10 babies prefer female boobs!

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Jenny Holland nails it here. ("Chest discharge" reminds me of a wound or a pimple - anyone else?)

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Feb 24Liked by Jenny Holland

Thomas Carlyle famously said that “No Lie Can Live Forever”…hence the insane mental and cultural gymnastics required to support such a monstrous falsehood.

this movement will end sooner than later. it’s already crumbling. I predict in 5-10 years it might be difficult to find anyone who will admit to cheerleading fast tracked sex changes for children.

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Feb 25Liked by Jenny Holland

Hit a number of points I'm in strong agreement with. Like many I've started to question some of the socially liberal sentiments that I grew up with.

People seem to have forgotten that culture might actually serve a purpose rather than being just some liberal play-space for people to actualise their desires onto the world. The trouble with the whole 'you-do-you' is that while it offers a model of pluralistic understanding broadly speaking, its actually currently hiding the corruption of philosophical relativism, and it's underlying nihilism.

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Feb 24Liked by Jenny Holland

Speechless. I hadn’t realized that things have gone so far.

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Feb 24Liked by Jenny Holland

At least three thumbs up for this article.

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You knocked this one out of the park Jenny! Thank you for saying the quiet part out loud——AGP men are exercising their sexual fetish in front of us instead of in their bedrooms. When did that become ok?

For sure a big money source is the Pritzker fortune. They’ve poured money into schools to indoctrinate children. I believe the Pritzker family also chose/promoted young Barack Obama into Chicago politics. Who then made insurance companies pay for sex change operations and allowed people to use any bathroom they wanted. Very convenient.

In their never-ending desire to appear virtuous, liberals and leftists constantly ask/demand that everyone else believe and affirm their delusions. And then censor you if you disagree. Every stance of theirs requires that you don’t believe objectively true things. Like a man can’t become a woman.

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“Much like I’ve never heard liberals offer a humble apology to the conservatives and religious folks who they demeaned and made fun of for years, I have yet to hear the anti-trans feminists address how feminism has harmed women, or that boys and men are also terribly harmed by trans ideology. I’ve never heard them say that what’s bad for men is bad for women, because men and women are two sides of the same coin.”

AMEN!!!! Perfectly stated.

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Watching Julia Malott’s video literally made my stomach hurt. I think it’s because Julia’s attitude about breast feeding seems so exceedingly disrespectful to the beautiful and mysterious workings of the human body. Whether you believe in God or not, the human body is truly miraculous. Just look at the way all of our body’s organs fit together so nicely and work together so harmoniously. And look at the way our immune system heals infections and destroys invaders while we’re watching football games, typing at our computers, or taking our dog for a walk. Look at the way our bodies know how to breathe and how to maintain an internal temperature, even when the temperature outside our bodies varies greatly; and look at the way our digestive system knows how to dissolve all those bits of food we put into our mouths; the way our bodies know how to separate all the helpful stuff (e.g., the proteins and the vitamins and the minerals) from all the unhelpful stuff; and then—wonder of wonders—look at how the human body excretes what is unneeded so efficiently. And then look at the miraculous way each brand-new human being is formed and how the biological female body knows how to grow the body of a little person inside a womb and then feed that little person with milk it generates all on its own once the individual is outside the womb. Our bodies are an incredible Living System containing a zillion, zillion little parts, all working together as one united whole, much like Planet Earth and its gigantic system of interconnected ecosystems. But when we begin to tamper with the Living System that is the human body, or with the interconnected ecosystems of our entire planet, it is nothing but an act of human hubris to think that such tampering won’t eventually cause great harm to us all. I can only hope that humanity wakes up before all of the many “Towers of Babel” we are currently building come tumbling down. And they will come tumbling down. Our human minds are simply too small and limited to understand the complexities of life, not only within our own human bodies but also within the planetary ecosystems of Earth…, which is why I pray with all my heart this day, God help us.

Thank you, Jenny, for this most important (though very disturbing) essay today.

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Due to a hysterectomy at 30 .I as a woman with two adopted children with the right chromosomes and real breasts with real nipples. could NOT breastfeed since I had not givrn birth. As I understand it, the two go together. . I made no attempt to do so or my son would have gone hungry so I went the bottle route and we both were happy.

I knew changes would come as the candles on my cake grew more numerous each year, but I have to admit that I NEVER in a million years thought I would ever be confronted with the situation of men thinking they can do which I, as a woman, could not.

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Completely agree with this. There is no middle ground. This evil cannot be given an inch.

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I appreciate your point of view. I do want to make a few comments about feminism. There are about as many definitions of feminism as there are people using the word. My grandmother always told me that she couldn’t leave my alcoholic and verbally abusive grandfather because she didn’t feel she could go back to her parents with 2 little kids to support. She always told me to never be financially dependent on a man. One of my great-grandmothers raised 8 kids alone during the depression after her husband died. She took in laundry because women didn’t have other job options in those days. Another great-grandmother was left alone with a one year old baby after her husband just left. No one made him pay child support in those days. So has feminism really made things worse for women? I am eternally grateful not to be in their shoes, to have been born in a time where I’m able to have an education and career and support myself, to have equal power in a relationship and the protection of the law, to be able to make my own choices in life. So yes, feminism has made my life better than my female ancestors had it. Is it perfect? No, far from it. But I will take it over the alternative.

This doesn’t mean that I think that men are evil (I’ve been married for 23 years to one who I quite like), or that I’m an eternal victim (although there are a few things I find unfair). I don’t think men and women are identical. I don’t want special treatment for being female, other than acknowledging that certain things are physically different (clearly I need different medical care than males, and I could never compete against them in sports as my body has evolved for a different purpose than theirs).

I acknowledge that there are some schools of feminist thought that are harmful to our society, but I don’t think we want to throw all of feminism out with the bath water. Surely it’s a good thing that none of us today face the challenges my grandmothers and great-grandmothers did.

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• Excellent, as always!

• To me, Feminism went off the rails when they tried to separate Freedom from Responsibility. Without Responsibility, Freedom quickly descends into License.

• Am I the only one who wonders whether all of the tortures inflicted on our language by the liberals - whichever side they're on - are due to to academic navel-watching?

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Biblical morality, so often dismissively sneered at, would go a long way toward solving problems before they start. God's creation of humanity is described in Genesis 1:27, "In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."

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Wow. I wish I could have written this. It says EVERYTHING I want to say, cogently and intelligently argued. Many thanks to the author!

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