
Saving Culture in Ireland with Ian O'Doherty

Irish people to their government: "we're not racists, we just want a house." Irish government to people: "Nah." They re-elected them anyway.

I’m pretty down on the media generally, and the Irish media in particular.

Ian O’Doherty is one of a handful of exceptions. He’s astute, he’s biting, and we hate all the same people. So that’s a good start.

On Friday, Ireland held a general election. So far the headlines are, the establishment has managed to get itself re-elected despite deep discontent in the country, and an actual real-life criminal is close to getting a seat in parliament despite having just returned from Spain three weeks ago, where he was, ahem, working. (Important to note: Gerry “The Monk” Hutch was found not guilty last year of murder.)

Ian also shares a helpful safety tip in the event you get caught up in a riot.



00:00 The Green Bin Day and Irish Elections

02:42 Apathy and Anger in Irish Politics

05:22 Sinn Féin's Evolution and Challenges

08:01 Housing Crisis in Ireland

10:41 The Impact of Immigration on Housing

13:51 Aontu: The Rise of a New Political Force

16:12 The Gangster in Politics: A Controversial Candidate

26:37 The Cycle of Violence in Dublin

28:50 The Impact of Immigration Policies

31:31 The Divide Between Classes in Dublin

33:13 The False Economy of the Celtic Tiger

35:53 The Resentment Towards Immigration

38:18 Integration Challenges and Community Dynamics

40:58 The Political Landscape and Public Sentiment