Dec 13, 2023Liked by Jenny Holland

I love Jenny Holland. Why can't the world be filled with more Jenny Hollands??!!

Well done as usual!

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Jenny Holland

This is no longer politics; it’s mental illness/personality disorder…. Hammer, meet nail.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Jenny Holland

"...projection...accusing others of what you, yourself, are guilty of." I have noticed this more and more lately. Every leftist accusation against the non-left that I read is a near-perfect description of what the left, itself, is doing. It's a fascinating phenomenon.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Jenny Holland

Jenny, my auto renewal has/is at hand. Thank you for affirming the value of your posts. Happy to continue supporting your voice. Thanks, too, for standing with Bari and The Free Press.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Jenny Holland

Wow. I have never been on Twitter so I miss out on a lot of this kind of craziness, but it's still nice to know when there's an explosion of some kind of Twitter. Thank you, Jenny, for alerting me to this important story. I am feeling dumbfounded and distressed. I've decided that I'm going to stop saying to myself, "Surely the world can't get any darker," because every time I think that thought it does, in fact, reach a new level of darkness. : (

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Jenny Holland

Excellent article, Jenny. I have shared with our former political writer at the Pro-Jo, M. Charles Bakst, a/k/a “Charlie.” He says he sees the truth in your writing and I hope he subscribes!

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Jenny Holland

I can't help wondering if leftist projection on others of what they themselves are doing is a result of their never having repented of sin. Jesus Christ is willing to forgive those who sincerely repent. Indeed, he came to earth and died a horrible death so that sins could be forgiven. But there has to be an acknowledgement of sin and a willingness to change the direction of one's life. Nobody does this perfectly but changing the goal of one's life away from sin and toward God, as revealed in Jesus Christ, the Messiah of Israel prophesied in Isaiah 53 and the Savior of all who come to him in faith, is not only good for one's personal eternity into heaven rather than hell but also for avoiding making an ass of oneself by projecting one's deficiencies on others.

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Propaganda is a powerful weapon, and the US and Israel are masters of it. Ukraine tries to be. Unless you have direct knowledge of an event, take reports with a big tablespoon of salt.

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Once again, a spot on article. I had to share with Charlie and he concurs!

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