The left now , as then , as forever was , want to control every aspect of your life. Go along with it and they will leave you alone , for now , but know this. Come for you they will.
there is a saying amongst producers in Hollywood that says "tell me the same story, only different".
meaning there are only a half dozen plot devices in movies that audiences want to see. the trick is to change the details to present the film as novel and engaging.
this is an apt analogy to our current times.
we are experiencing being ruled by the same psychopathic elites that history has illuminated, only with different details. it's very simple at it's core.
the trick is to see thru all the digital distortions.
I'd say we're living in "totalitarianism-in-process". They haven't dotted all their eyes and crossed all their tees yet; ducks remain to be gotten in a row. It's not a black-and-white proposition, either Freedom or Totalitarianism, but a process of getting from the one to the other. If you consider purely the pragmatic level, and if you believe the West has been organically free throughout its history (with of course exceptions and problems and warts and bumps etc.), and if you recognize how great and sophisticated the West has become over the past two millennia, then a totalitarianism can't just happen overnight. It has to entail a project of subversion plausibly lasting decades. I see no indication the saboteurs have already won, which is Jenny's implication. But I see many indications they are in the process of consolidating their project, and still have more to do to *finalize*.
I remember when he rose like a phoenix in Czechoslovakia. We were absolutely transfixed by the translations of his speeches. To think that the people in their teens, 20's, and 30's are now attempting to recreate the regime against which he spoke is absolutely tragic, and entirely fueled by ignorance and malice. God help us.
In Australian English a “wowser” is a puritan spoilsport, which is a very good description of the sort of people who support all this “progressive” nonsense. So your first word is more apt than you may have thought.
I think that while it's true the modern left has become totalitarian (or perhaps "post-totalitarian," as you suggest), it's inaccurate to say that we live "under a totalitarian regime" in the U.S. ("post-" or otherwise).
You can get fired from your job for saying something perceived as racist or transphobic (which is obviously horrible, and needs to be fixed). But you can't be put in JAIL. Or EXECUTED.
I have no doubt there are modern leftists who wish that DID happen to thought-criminals. But we aren't there yet. So we should avoid throwing around our worst accusations too spuriously, lest "totalitarian" become rendered as meaningless as "fascist" is by now.
Tell that to Enrique Tarrio who just got 22 years in prison for the Capitol riot, when he was not even *at the capitol*. While BLM rioters who burned down federal buildings a few months before got off with a slap on the wrist.
Politicised criminal justice 100 percent exists in the United States.
Ideology is a specious way of relating to the world. It offers human beings the illusion of identity, and of morality while making it easier for them to part with them.- my favorite quote.
We are witnessing the stripping away of identity by erasing the meaning. You can no longer identify as male or female, because that can’t be defined by “science”, therefore diversity of identity is matched or defined by conformity of opinion. Identity has no meaning. This is our new reality. Without identity, you are meaningless.
In fact one CAN be put in jail. There are now laws in some states that misgendering a person is a crime. Failure to provide a child his transgender delusional care is grounds for a charge of child abuse,which can result in felony charges.
As I have often said, totalitarianism has been privatised in the US. The government doesn’t need to ban opinions, when private organisations can do it for them. All the government has to do is lend its moral support to the “progressive” world view.
Are there cases in those places where people got sentenced to a term in prison for quote/unquote "transphobia?" Or, like, just being white and saying the n-word?
Don't get me wrong: it *definitely* wouldn't be a stretch for that to have happened by now. But I haven't heard of any cases myself.
In the UK we have ‘non crime hate crimes’ which yes has resulted in people being arrested. Scottish SNP new hate crime legislation certainly leans even further in that direction. I suggest you look at
Oh yeah, I've seen the footage of that awful shit in the U.K. Also in Canada and Scotland; my heart goes out to you guys.
But my original comment said "in the U.S.," because unless I'm mistaken, Jenny lives here right now as well. So I don't think it's wise to call our country "totalitarian," less we fall into the trap of sounding as hyperbolic as our SJW adversaries.
No, I live in the UK but I wholeheartedly think that an argument can be made that the US is already totalitarian -- Cv vaccine mandates for children (and the studied silence on the harms that ensued) and the criminalisation of political opposition being the two most glaring examples. But there are many more. I don't think that it is 100 percent a done deal, the constitution still exists after all, but actually, it might be. The next 12 months will force the totalitarians to come fully out of hiding and we will know better where we stand.
If a state can separate a child from the parents, and then convince that child to be a guinea pig in medical experimentation, we are already in a totalitarian era.
Yeah, well, unfortunately the US left is following all of the precedent setting strategies that Europe is developing, and since much of the media already treats us as part of a global colony, it's better to start warning the populace that our leaders are selling out the Republic.
I believe that the Republican platform should be:
-Save our children from mutilation and lack of access to education
-Re establish our borders and commit to our sovereign status as a nation
-Force Congress to affirm our commitment to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights
-Revoke all government DEI and affirmative action policies
-Require universities to reach minimum FIRE scores in order to get any federal support
-Phase the federal government out of the student loan business - NOTE- I would like to eliminate any federal funds for all education, but that's probably impossible for 2024
Yes, what happened with the 2 schoolboys and the Koran scuffing was truly mind-boggling. Same with the Batley school teacher. That, to me, was mob rule. Very scary.
Not yet, but there are certainly efforts to set precedent.
So far it's just been cancelation, which has turned into an informal form of justice system in the country under which you can lose your livelihood and be banished from society.
I agree. It's clear that certain people on the left WISH "transphobia" and whatnot could get you sent to prison.
But we aren't there yet. And I think we should be careful not to wear these accusations out, the way that "fascist" and "communist" have been rendered almost meaningless by their misapplications.
The accusations aren't meaningless. There are steps to get to every goal and better to put a screeching halt to this before it advances further. Children are being mangled, families are being destroyed and many adults are losing their income. These tyrants are in every institution. We are way past the time to act.
You absolutely can be put in jail. The excuse used may be weak, but you can be dragged over the coals. Assume someone is arrested for being "disruptive." You weren't really disruptive but now you have to defend yourself in court. If you are middle class you will have to pay for an attorney. The attorney gets it thrown out, but you have paid court costs, attorney's fees and bail, and you will not be reimbursed, and this just drained your emergency fund. NYC has a "misgendering" statute for government employees, with fines up to $250,000. Attacking and draining the middle class of their assets is the new tactic since we don't have a vast underclass (yet) but draining the middle class will get us there.
Not getting put in jail or executed (yet) because someone doesn't like what you say is no consolation when you are losing your livelihood and reputation. Just because they don't kill you is no reason to think it's all okay.
Reading through all these comments is also very eye-opening. Is anyone familiar with something called “D-banking?” Some thing about politicians being able to cut off the banking rights of someone who does not agree with their agenda. I think this may be going on in the UK? Not sure about it here in the United States.
I wish I knew, Christine. The only thing I can think of is to speak true words and hope they break the spell that so many people are living in. But that can come a big cost.
I live in Prague and I'm pretty sick of the hero worship of Havel. Sure, the communist regime was oppressive and restricted people's freedoms, but when it fell it ushered in a period of neoliberal chaos, and led to the expansion of NATO eastward, showing that the communists in charge were right not to trust the west because NATO was never really about confronting communism.
Now the same liberal types who revere Havel as some sort of genius (and not just an alcoholic womaniser who was in the right place at the right time) believe that Russia is the evil empire and all the stuff about Ukrainian nazis is 'RuZZian' propaganda
This comment is extremely interesting to me, because I have only just come upon Havel (although I remember his name from the '80's and '90's and had a vague sense of him as a freedom fighter like Lech Welesa in Poland), and you are clearly more informed of the nuts and bolts on the ground -- so to speak. So i'm thankful to hear the added context you are giving here.
But let me clarify that my reference to Havel as a figure to emulate is strictly from those passages I quoted, which no matter what his failings, I think are examples of some of the greatest writing I have encountered. Why? Because he's doing something very, very useful: he is universalising the experience of his nation, removing distractions like too much local or historical detail which can derail a reader and leave them feeling like they don't understand because they don't get the references. He is boiling the Czech experience with totalitarianism down to an essence that is completely recognisable to me, today, as a middle aged western woman who has only ever lived in "liberal democracies". That is incredibly impressive, and that's what I want to emulate -- how to express truths in a way that will resonate through time.
I'd be genuinely interested to hear more about your perspective, so please feel free to share further.
Firstly, I don't mean to belittle your respect for Havel's writing, or for the man. In fact, I think I let my own subjective opinion of him colour my reading of the quote you used, so I'm sorry if I came across as patronising or dismissive. There's no question that in 1978, Havel saying that would have been a brave, subversive act.
However, I'm not sure that everyone reading that in 1978 would have agreed with him. It's easy to say that the greengrocer was only putting the sign up to avoid unwanted scrutiny, and it was probably true in lots of cases. But there were also many people who really believed in the ideals of socialism, so they might put the sign up 'sincerely', so to speak. That doesn't mean that these people approved of everything the communists said or did, or that they would have been informers, but they may have felt pride in being part of a system that wasn't exploiting the third world, for example. The lazy modern demonisation of communism ignores factors like that.
The bitter irony of Havel's writing about totalitarianism at home, in contrast with supposed freedom elsewhere - i.e. the west - is that the western idea of freedom is as much about the free market as it is about personal freedom. Communism might have been grinding and grey, but it was probably also better for the people on the bottom.
Jesus Christ referred to the devil as "a liar and the father of lies" (John 8:44). The dishonesty that people are expected by the powers that be in powerful institutions to participate in today is appalling, to the point of calling evil good and good evil (which Jesus Christ also condemned). Truly, we are in end times. I may have mentioned this before, but there are prophecy conferences coming in the very near future, later this month, to Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Italy with information available at
The current Energy Bill going through the UK parliament is put forward by the Tory party. It makes criminal offences of things that should be nothing more than a 'free market' decision regarding the supply and usage of power and modifications or lack of them, to one's own home.
If claims are true, then for this bill alone, the Tory party needs to be completely removed from the next Westminster Parliament. The only question is how can you do this when ONLY 9 MPs (allegedly) across the whole house voted against the Bill. Again, IF that is true , we need to vote next GE for ANYONE but a GreenPlaidSNPLibLabCon. IF we don't wreck Westminster peacefully next GE, I believe we'll have paved the way for wrecking the country violently in the next decade. Net Zero is insane, to criminalise opposition to its insanities is even more insane.
That was the Tories. The UK is ruled by a Uniparty committed to Net Zero insanity. There is NO escape IF we vote for any of the GreenPlaidSNPLibLabCons. Quite literally we are best served by putting in independents/reform/reclaim/monster raving loony - anyone but the Uniparty. They couldn't do any worse. They may even screw up Government, and Government inaction is likely to be far superior than ANY actions the Uniparty currently inhabiting the Commons would take.
I strongly agree with you Jo. In fact, I've been seeing these headlines and honestly, they scare me and I have not read them. But I'm mentally trying to prepare myself for what's coming down the pike, as a UK resident. It's so sad because until this bill, I held out hope for the UK because its leaders were willing to say things like "men should not play in women's sports" -- pathetic, I know, but we live off crumbs of hope. I thought Brits had a disagreeable streak that made them somewhat immune to the crazed ideologues. So to see this now, proof that the uniparty is as real here as in the US, perhaps more so,'s grim.
Net Zero is 2050 the UK will by then have done 3 things that NO ONE in their right mind would consider sensible in the light of history, geography and demographics. In terms of history, it will do what an enemy tried to do in 2 world wars - STOP maritime shipping to the UK, it will also do what the enemy tried to do certainly in the 2nd of those wars, deprive us of fossil fuels. Literally had either of those things happened in either war, the United Kingdom would have been forced to surrender through starvation. Yet in 27 years time, Net Zero is reputedly going to achieve BOTH aims.
The population of the UK is currently claimed to be about 69 Million far larger than in those wars. There is sufficient evidence, and has been for decades, that this is a wild underestimate by official figures .
The country is an island with only the Channel Tunnel rail link to other countries. Technically its trains will NOT be hit by the lack of fossil fuel (it will but we'll assume not for the sake of argument) So 70m+ people are to be fed by the rail link to Europe?
EVEN if we could bring in enough food via that, with NO fossil fuels the 44 tonne artics that keep the UK fed by distributing the food on a JIT basis, will NOT be there. NO EV is even close to matching their abilities. So the UK will starve. We will begin to go hungry much sooner as the report shows a 'gradual move' to this state of affairs.
The only thing that makes me believe our politicians have read and understood the consequences of that report, is the current Energy Bill going through the UK Parliament. It paves the way for smart meters to be forcibly fitted to all homes. Quite how that keeps us fed is moot, BUT it will enable Govt to stop us using electrical power when the Grid, sans fossil generation, can't cope. The Grid powers the Chunnel Trains, so they MUST have power.
Here are figures from yesterday for the demand from the National Grid and the input into it. I have chosen an hour to midnight because that shows up the sheer insanity of basing anything regarding the National Grid on Solar. because it is easy to predict when you won't get anything back from it!
23:00 GMT 9/9/23 UK
The 14Gw of installed Solar is currently producing 0Gw - not surprising, it is night. A bit of a problem that, as we get nights every day, and curiously they are longer during the cold winter when we need more electricity to keep us warm and light the house. Smart move whoever thought investing all those million in solar farms was a good idea.
What about the 24Gw of installed windmills? Well we are getting back 1.43 Gw
Our demand? 27Gw
So ALL those hundreds of millions of pounds worth of renewables, 38Gw worth so far, is currently producing 1.43Gw.
Except for 1Gw from Drax burning US forests. (The biggest insanity – as I’m sure you realise having read the FIRES report. Because Net Zero, according to the report, means NO maritime shipping, no flying and no fossil fuels for 2050. How is all that US woodchip going to cross the Atlantic to arrive at Drax B? )
So what is currently keeping the lights on? Well to meet the rest of the demand, 80% is due to gas/nuclear. Coal is also producing more power than solar as I write. The Norwegians are also currently sending us another 1.4Gw – almost as much as all those windmills we put up.
Net Zero is Green insanity, scrap it and the energy bill. Go Nuclear.
The ONLY way to do that is to realise we have to remove ALL the current parties inhabiting Westminster, as according to reports only 9 MPs voted against the Energy Bill.
We either do that peacefully at a GE, the next one I suggest is probably the only time it will be reasonable. Even then we would have some mayhem in Government, but isn't that better than mayhem on the streets IF the insanity that is Net Zero is pursued?
Ironically below is a link to a 1911 warning about the effects of stopping maritime shipping, or, as they were in those days "Big Steamers"
IF you like to hear the words sung, move to 2min 30 secs into the video link and listen.
The way They've built Their Civilization (I'm talking about the Secular Ruling Families & Billionaires, forget the jesters of the Uniparty and the entire political circus) has built-in tools to avoid that we - modern moron slaves (MMS) - do anything against it.
All MMS that slave in cities will never do anything that truly jeopardize their slavery/city. So that idea that via "voting" they will go for some gang of scoundrels and fraudsters that will implode the "government" is, for me, a funny pipe dream.
We must always be aware that the "government" is NOT the one that decides...
Believing it will happen, I agree is a pipe-dream, BUT saying that the only way to avoid hunger and the collapse of a civil society in the UK is to do that, is , I would argue, necessary and true.
Since Brexit in the UK it would be possible for a Government (ie the MPs in Westminster) to overthrow ALL of this. The US? I don't know about your system. It seems far more complex and inflexible than ours.
For the UK, with 2050 only 27 years away, and the UK population, according to many, far greater than the 70m it is roughly claimed to be, it is possible if not likely. I provided a link to a real report and provide live 'UK grid' energy data so the issue for the UK is clearly visible.
Again, the US isn't the island we are so I suspect you won't starve. We will. The real problem is getting people to read then understand what Net Zero means.
Perhaps when the lights start to go out they may begin to realise what the morons that rule us have put into law, or perhaps when they run up against other aspects of the law. BUT what is certain, is, that sometime in the next 10 years the UK is going to find that ULEZ is a 'Walk in the Park' in terms of its affect on everyday life compared to say, lack of food on shelves, regularly.
Though perhaps the irony is that the EU may be where it all kicks off first because the culling of cattle in 2 highly agrarian societies - Ireland and Holland is spectacularly courageous behaviour from the Green cultists. And the 'de-industrialisation' of Germany thanks to their Green Energy policy is equally courageous. However, so far there hasn't been as much of a backlash as I expected against the use of insect protein in flour.
Doomberg is always a good read, though it's expensive if you want the data, but reading the 'intro' to its substack is quite informative. A cold winter in Europe and even with full gas storage facilities, Doomberg believes Germany's lights will go out before winter ends. Germany will as the risk increases dash for gas and perhaps spend as much as it did last winter. Pricing many other countries out of the market.
So the consolation, if any for the UK, is that there is probably not ONE western country that isn't ruled by morons.
OPERATION COVIDIUS was/is without a doubt one of the most successful OPERATION deployed in the last decades.
From this success They can do pretty much anything.
The only thing that those that are aware of this Reality can do is to find ways to plan and protect themselves and close Family (depending on the fact if the members of the Family are also aware and aren't cowards and meek!)
As I already said... the herds of modern moron slaves only care about stuff that prevents them from slaving around without too much disturbance. I can't provide any better example that the Tool of "lockdowns" deployed during OPERATION COVIDIUS.
Because your link was to a pyramid that was full of $ signs. You have my sympathy if you are from New Zealand, even your Rugby Union team isn't functioning as it once did.
I look at New Zealand, Australia and Canada and wonder.
Though in the case of Australia, I heard a wonderful explanation. When someone asked how a country basically full of lawbreakers offspring could be so keen on martial law, a response was. "The Australian Authorities are probably the descendants of the prison guards, not the prisoners." Which I found funny.
As for Canada, well "Trudeau" - a French descendant, What more can you expect from them - they all think they are either Napoleon or the Sun King, both of whom were tyrants.
New Zealand, however?! What on earth went wrong there?
Here in the UK we had Major, Blair, Brown and Cameron - that's reason enough. BUT then we put in May and Johnson, both of whom began to make Major seem like a sensible chap.
I blame Davos. After all, what on earth do they all do there? Listen to each other's speeches? IF they are anything like the one I listened to from John Kerry it seems clear to me they confuse stand up comedy with serious politics. Sadly nowadays the comics aren't funny and the politicians are hilarious.
Havel was an intellectual, imprisoned by the USSR, and cherished freedom. He was largelyignored in the West, which should have been a big red flag about the "leadership" of the post cold war West. I refer to his warnings and wisdom by memory. Thank you for providing the full text. It is a glimmer of freedom's light in this terrible dark age.
I'm reminded of a similar statement made by Tucker Carlson a year or so ago when he described the United States as "an entire society forced to lie about everything important all the time."
In such a society, to speak the truth is a radically subversive act. Let us all speak the truth--all the time. Defy the empire of lies!
What scares me is how often the claim is made that the left is committed to preserving our Democracy, which means kiss your rights goodbye.
Like the Governor of New Mexico's decision to ban gun carry rights, because 'no rights are absolute'
Yes. Exactly as Havel says. Incredible.
The left now , as then , as forever was , want to control every aspect of your life. Go along with it and they will leave you alone , for now , but know this. Come for you they will.
there is a saying amongst producers in Hollywood that says "tell me the same story, only different".
meaning there are only a half dozen plot devices in movies that audiences want to see. the trick is to change the details to present the film as novel and engaging.
this is an apt analogy to our current times.
we are experiencing being ruled by the same psychopathic elites that history has illuminated, only with different details. it's very simple at it's core.
the trick is to see thru all the digital distortions.
meet the new boss...same as the old boss.
I'd say we're living in "totalitarianism-in-process". They haven't dotted all their eyes and crossed all their tees yet; ducks remain to be gotten in a row. It's not a black-and-white proposition, either Freedom or Totalitarianism, but a process of getting from the one to the other. If you consider purely the pragmatic level, and if you believe the West has been organically free throughout its history (with of course exceptions and problems and warts and bumps etc.), and if you recognize how great and sophisticated the West has become over the past two millennia, then a totalitarianism can't just happen overnight. It has to entail a project of subversion plausibly lasting decades. I see no indication the saboteurs have already won, which is Jenny's implication. But I see many indications they are in the process of consolidating their project, and still have more to do to *finalize*.
I hope you are right.
Wowsers - loved that read, and no sorry. I can't tell you you're wrong but hopefully someone else can!!
Thank you Jenny, scarily spot on and beautifully written!
Havel is my new writing hero, guru, everything. I’m smitten.
Haha. I can see how, his observations are truly charming - I too, will be checking out his work
I remember when he rose like a phoenix in Czechoslovakia. We were absolutely transfixed by the translations of his speeches. To think that the people in their teens, 20's, and 30's are now attempting to recreate the regime against which he spoke is absolutely tragic, and entirely fueled by ignorance and malice. God help us.
I also recommend Eugène Ionesco. 🙏❤🧠
In Australian English a “wowser” is a puritan spoilsport, which is a very good description of the sort of people who support all this “progressive” nonsense. So your first word is more apt than you may have thought.
I think that while it's true the modern left has become totalitarian (or perhaps "post-totalitarian," as you suggest), it's inaccurate to say that we live "under a totalitarian regime" in the U.S. ("post-" or otherwise).
You can get fired from your job for saying something perceived as racist or transphobic (which is obviously horrible, and needs to be fixed). But you can't be put in JAIL. Or EXECUTED.
I have no doubt there are modern leftists who wish that DID happen to thought-criminals. But we aren't there yet. So we should avoid throwing around our worst accusations too spuriously, lest "totalitarian" become rendered as meaningless as "fascist" is by now.
Tell that to Enrique Tarrio who just got 22 years in prison for the Capitol riot, when he was not even *at the capitol*. While BLM rioters who burned down federal buildings a few months before got off with a slap on the wrist.
Politicised criminal justice 100 percent exists in the United States.
Interesting. I had not heard of this case. I'll definitely read more into it, thanks.
Ideology is a specious way of relating to the world. It offers human beings the illusion of identity, and of morality while making it easier for them to part with them.- my favorite quote.
We are witnessing the stripping away of identity by erasing the meaning. You can no longer identify as male or female, because that can’t be defined by “science”, therefore diversity of identity is matched or defined by conformity of opinion. Identity has no meaning. This is our new reality. Without identity, you are meaningless.
So true and scary at once!
In fact one CAN be put in jail. There are now laws in some states that misgendering a person is a crime. Failure to provide a child his transgender delusional care is grounds for a charge of child abuse,which can result in felony charges.
As I have often said, totalitarianism has been privatised in the US. The government doesn’t need to ban opinions, when private organisations can do it for them. All the government has to do is lend its moral support to the “progressive” world view.
But you can't be put in JAIL
I think the various AGs/DAs in NYC, DC and Georgia might beg to differ.
Are there cases in those places where people got sentenced to a term in prison for quote/unquote "transphobia?" Or, like, just being white and saying the n-word?
Don't get me wrong: it *definitely* wouldn't be a stretch for that to have happened by now. But I haven't heard of any cases myself.
In the UK we have ‘non crime hate crimes’ which yes has resulted in people being arrested. Scottish SNP new hate crime legislation certainly leans even further in that direction. I suggest you look at
Oh yeah, I've seen the footage of that awful shit in the U.K. Also in Canada and Scotland; my heart goes out to you guys.
But my original comment said "in the U.S.," because unless I'm mistaken, Jenny lives here right now as well. So I don't think it's wise to call our country "totalitarian," less we fall into the trap of sounding as hyperbolic as our SJW adversaries.
No, I live in the UK but I wholeheartedly think that an argument can be made that the US is already totalitarian -- Cv vaccine mandates for children (and the studied silence on the harms that ensued) and the criminalisation of political opposition being the two most glaring examples. But there are many more. I don't think that it is 100 percent a done deal, the constitution still exists after all, but actually, it might be. The next 12 months will force the totalitarians to come fully out of hiding and we will know better where we stand.
See also: Pravda-levels of state controlled media in the US.
If a state can separate a child from the parents, and then convince that child to be a guinea pig in medical experimentation, we are already in a totalitarian era.
Yeah, well, unfortunately the US left is following all of the precedent setting strategies that Europe is developing, and since much of the media already treats us as part of a global colony, it's better to start warning the populace that our leaders are selling out the Republic.
I believe that the Republican platform should be:
-Save our children from mutilation and lack of access to education
-Re establish our borders and commit to our sovereign status as a nation
-Force Congress to affirm our commitment to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights
-Revoke all government DEI and affirmative action policies
-Require universities to reach minimum FIRE scores in order to get any federal support
-Phase the federal government out of the student loan business - NOTE- I would like to eliminate any federal funds for all education, but that's probably impossible for 2024
I think that's a platform that would win.
I like it.
Yes, what happened with the 2 schoolboys and the Koran scuffing was truly mind-boggling. Same with the Batley school teacher. That, to me, was mob rule. Very scary.
All right, agreed. That was horrifying. It was heartbreaking and horrifying to watch that mother basically beg for her son's life.
Not yet, but there are certainly efforts to set precedent.
So far it's just been cancelation, which has turned into an informal form of justice system in the country under which you can lose your livelihood and be banished from society.
I agree. It's clear that certain people on the left WISH "transphobia" and whatnot could get you sent to prison.
But we aren't there yet. And I think we should be careful not to wear these accusations out, the way that "fascist" and "communist" have been rendered almost meaningless by their misapplications.
The accusations aren't meaningless. There are steps to get to every goal and better to put a screeching halt to this before it advances further. Children are being mangled, families are being destroyed and many adults are losing their income. These tyrants are in every institution. We are way past the time to act.
You absolutely can be put in jail. The excuse used may be weak, but you can be dragged over the coals. Assume someone is arrested for being "disruptive." You weren't really disruptive but now you have to defend yourself in court. If you are middle class you will have to pay for an attorney. The attorney gets it thrown out, but you have paid court costs, attorney's fees and bail, and you will not be reimbursed, and this just drained your emergency fund. NYC has a "misgendering" statute for government employees, with fines up to $250,000. Attacking and draining the middle class of their assets is the new tactic since we don't have a vast underclass (yet) but draining the middle class will get us there.
Tell that to Ashley Babbit !
Not getting put in jail or executed (yet) because someone doesn't like what you say is no consolation when you are losing your livelihood and reputation. Just because they don't kill you is no reason to think it's all okay.
Reading through all these comments is also very eye-opening. Is anyone familiar with something called “D-banking?” Some thing about politicians being able to cut off the banking rights of someone who does not agree with their agenda. I think this may be going on in the UK? Not sure about it here in the United States.
Yes, this happened to Nigel Farage. The bank itself debanked him.
Thank you! Now I have another book to read.
This is startlingly familiar. It clearly is where we are presently. And yet everyone seems oblivious to it. How do we climb our way out of this?
I wish I knew, Christine. The only thing I can think of is to speak true words and hope they break the spell that so many people are living in. But that can come a big cost.
I live in Prague and I'm pretty sick of the hero worship of Havel. Sure, the communist regime was oppressive and restricted people's freedoms, but when it fell it ushered in a period of neoliberal chaos, and led to the expansion of NATO eastward, showing that the communists in charge were right not to trust the west because NATO was never really about confronting communism.
Now the same liberal types who revere Havel as some sort of genius (and not just an alcoholic womaniser who was in the right place at the right time) believe that Russia is the evil empire and all the stuff about Ukrainian nazis is 'RuZZian' propaganda
This comment is extremely interesting to me, because I have only just come upon Havel (although I remember his name from the '80's and '90's and had a vague sense of him as a freedom fighter like Lech Welesa in Poland), and you are clearly more informed of the nuts and bolts on the ground -- so to speak. So i'm thankful to hear the added context you are giving here.
But let me clarify that my reference to Havel as a figure to emulate is strictly from those passages I quoted, which no matter what his failings, I think are examples of some of the greatest writing I have encountered. Why? Because he's doing something very, very useful: he is universalising the experience of his nation, removing distractions like too much local or historical detail which can derail a reader and leave them feeling like they don't understand because they don't get the references. He is boiling the Czech experience with totalitarianism down to an essence that is completely recognisable to me, today, as a middle aged western woman who has only ever lived in "liberal democracies". That is incredibly impressive, and that's what I want to emulate -- how to express truths in a way that will resonate through time.
I'd be genuinely interested to hear more about your perspective, so please feel free to share further.
Firstly, I don't mean to belittle your respect for Havel's writing, or for the man. In fact, I think I let my own subjective opinion of him colour my reading of the quote you used, so I'm sorry if I came across as patronising or dismissive. There's no question that in 1978, Havel saying that would have been a brave, subversive act.
However, I'm not sure that everyone reading that in 1978 would have agreed with him. It's easy to say that the greengrocer was only putting the sign up to avoid unwanted scrutiny, and it was probably true in lots of cases. But there were also many people who really believed in the ideals of socialism, so they might put the sign up 'sincerely', so to speak. That doesn't mean that these people approved of everything the communists said or did, or that they would have been informers, but they may have felt pride in being part of a system that wasn't exploiting the third world, for example. The lazy modern demonisation of communism ignores factors like that.
The bitter irony of Havel's writing about totalitarianism at home, in contrast with supposed freedom elsewhere - i.e. the west - is that the western idea of freedom is as much about the free market as it is about personal freedom. Communism might have been grinding and grey, but it was probably also better for the people on the bottom.
🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 💉 💉 💉 😷 😷 😷
Jesus Christ referred to the devil as "a liar and the father of lies" (John 8:44). The dishonesty that people are expected by the powers that be in powerful institutions to participate in today is appalling, to the point of calling evil good and good evil (which Jesus Christ also condemned). Truly, we are in end times. I may have mentioned this before, but there are prophecy conferences coming in the very near future, later this month, to Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Italy with information available at
The current Energy Bill going through the UK parliament is put forward by the Tory party. It makes criminal offences of things that should be nothing more than a 'free market' decision regarding the supply and usage of power and modifications or lack of them, to one's own home.
If claims are true, then for this bill alone, the Tory party needs to be completely removed from the next Westminster Parliament. The only question is how can you do this when ONLY 9 MPs (allegedly) across the whole house voted against the Bill. Again, IF that is true , we need to vote next GE for ANYONE but a GreenPlaidSNPLibLabCon. IF we don't wreck Westminster peacefully next GE, I believe we'll have paved the way for wrecking the country violently in the next decade. Net Zero is insane, to criminalise opposition to its insanities is even more insane.
It's just sad to see that we, the herds of modern moron slaves, have learned nothing from OPERATION COVIDIUS...
No wonder the Secular Ruling Families & Billionaires have an easy work!
That was the Tories. The UK is ruled by a Uniparty committed to Net Zero insanity. There is NO escape IF we vote for any of the GreenPlaidSNPLibLabCons. Quite literally we are best served by putting in independents/reform/reclaim/monster raving loony - anyone but the Uniparty. They couldn't do any worse. They may even screw up Government, and Government inaction is likely to be far superior than ANY actions the Uniparty currently inhabiting the Commons would take.
I strongly agree with you Jo. In fact, I've been seeing these headlines and honestly, they scare me and I have not read them. But I'm mentally trying to prepare myself for what's coming down the pike, as a UK resident. It's so sad because until this bill, I held out hope for the UK because its leaders were willing to say things like "men should not play in women's sports" -- pathetic, I know, but we live off crumbs of hope. I thought Brits had a disagreeable streak that made them somewhat immune to the crazed ideologues. So to see this now, proof that the uniparty is as real here as in the US, perhaps more so,'s grim.
In the UK there is a report sponsored by Government of how we will arrive at Net Zero. It is called the FIRES report.
The P6 graphic sums up the words.
Net Zero is 2050 the UK will by then have done 3 things that NO ONE in their right mind would consider sensible in the light of history, geography and demographics. In terms of history, it will do what an enemy tried to do in 2 world wars - STOP maritime shipping to the UK, it will also do what the enemy tried to do certainly in the 2nd of those wars, deprive us of fossil fuels. Literally had either of those things happened in either war, the United Kingdom would have been forced to surrender through starvation. Yet in 27 years time, Net Zero is reputedly going to achieve BOTH aims.
The population of the UK is currently claimed to be about 69 Million far larger than in those wars. There is sufficient evidence, and has been for decades, that this is a wild underestimate by official figures .
The country is an island with only the Channel Tunnel rail link to other countries. Technically its trains will NOT be hit by the lack of fossil fuel (it will but we'll assume not for the sake of argument) So 70m+ people are to be fed by the rail link to Europe?
EVEN if we could bring in enough food via that, with NO fossil fuels the 44 tonne artics that keep the UK fed by distributing the food on a JIT basis, will NOT be there. NO EV is even close to matching their abilities. So the UK will starve. We will begin to go hungry much sooner as the report shows a 'gradual move' to this state of affairs.
The only thing that makes me believe our politicians have read and understood the consequences of that report, is the current Energy Bill going through the UK Parliament. It paves the way for smart meters to be forcibly fitted to all homes. Quite how that keeps us fed is moot, BUT it will enable Govt to stop us using electrical power when the Grid, sans fossil generation, can't cope. The Grid powers the Chunnel Trains, so they MUST have power.
Here are figures from yesterday for the demand from the National Grid and the input into it. I have chosen an hour to midnight because that shows up the sheer insanity of basing anything regarding the National Grid on Solar. because it is easy to predict when you won't get anything back from it!
23:00 GMT 9/9/23 UK
The 14Gw of installed Solar is currently producing 0Gw - not surprising, it is night. A bit of a problem that, as we get nights every day, and curiously they are longer during the cold winter when we need more electricity to keep us warm and light the house. Smart move whoever thought investing all those million in solar farms was a good idea.
What about the 24Gw of installed windmills? Well we are getting back 1.43 Gw
Our demand? 27Gw
So ALL those hundreds of millions of pounds worth of renewables, 38Gw worth so far, is currently producing 1.43Gw.
Except for 1Gw from Drax burning US forests. (The biggest insanity – as I’m sure you realise having read the FIRES report. Because Net Zero, according to the report, means NO maritime shipping, no flying and no fossil fuels for 2050. How is all that US woodchip going to cross the Atlantic to arrive at Drax B? )
So what is currently keeping the lights on? Well to meet the rest of the demand, 80% is due to gas/nuclear. Coal is also producing more power than solar as I write. The Norwegians are also currently sending us another 1.4Gw – almost as much as all those windmills we put up.
Net Zero is Green insanity, scrap it and the energy bill. Go Nuclear.
The ONLY way to do that is to realise we have to remove ALL the current parties inhabiting Westminster, as according to reports only 9 MPs voted against the Energy Bill.
We either do that peacefully at a GE, the next one I suggest is probably the only time it will be reasonable. Even then we would have some mayhem in Government, but isn't that better than mayhem on the streets IF the insanity that is Net Zero is pursued?
Ironically below is a link to a 1911 warning about the effects of stopping maritime shipping, or, as they were in those days "Big Steamers"
IF you like to hear the words sung, move to 2min 30 secs into the video link and listen.
The way They've built Their Civilization (I'm talking about the Secular Ruling Families & Billionaires, forget the jesters of the Uniparty and the entire political circus) has built-in tools to avoid that we - modern moron slaves (MMS) - do anything against it.
All MMS that slave in cities will never do anything that truly jeopardize their slavery/city. So that idea that via "voting" they will go for some gang of scoundrels and fraudsters that will implode the "government" is, for me, a funny pipe dream.
We must always be aware that the "government" is NOT the one that decides...
Believing it will happen, I agree is a pipe-dream, BUT saying that the only way to avoid hunger and the collapse of a civil society in the UK is to do that, is , I would argue, necessary and true.
Since Brexit in the UK it would be possible for a Government (ie the MPs in Westminster) to overthrow ALL of this. The US? I don't know about your system. It seems far more complex and inflexible than ours.
For the UK, with 2050 only 27 years away, and the UK population, according to many, far greater than the 70m it is roughly claimed to be, it is possible if not likely. I provided a link to a real report and provide live 'UK grid' energy data so the issue for the UK is clearly visible.
Again, the US isn't the island we are so I suspect you won't starve. We will. The real problem is getting people to read then understand what Net Zero means.
Perhaps when the lights start to go out they may begin to realise what the morons that rule us have put into law, or perhaps when they run up against other aspects of the law. BUT what is certain, is, that sometime in the next 10 years the UK is going to find that ULEZ is a 'Walk in the Park' in terms of its affect on everyday life compared to say, lack of food on shelves, regularly.
Though perhaps the irony is that the EU may be where it all kicks off first because the culling of cattle in 2 highly agrarian societies - Ireland and Holland is spectacularly courageous behaviour from the Green cultists. And the 'de-industrialisation' of Germany thanks to their Green Energy policy is equally courageous. However, so far there hasn't been as much of a backlash as I expected against the use of insect protein in flour.
Doomberg is always a good read, though it's expensive if you want the data, but reading the 'intro' to its substack is quite informative. A cold winter in Europe and even with full gas storage facilities, Doomberg believes Germany's lights will go out before winter ends. Germany will as the risk increases dash for gas and perhaps spend as much as it did last winter. Pricing many other countries out of the market.
So the consolation, if any for the UK, is that there is probably not ONE western country that isn't ruled by morons.
JO... why you think I'm a terrorist from the USofT beats me!!!
I slave in the Portroikal Plantation.
I've made a depiction of what Net Zero means to me...
OPERATION COVIDIUS was/is without a doubt one of the most successful OPERATION deployed in the last decades.
From this success They can do pretty much anything.
The only thing that those that are aware of this Reality can do is to find ways to plan and protect themselves and close Family (depending on the fact if the members of the Family are also aware and aren't cowards and meek!)
As I already said... the herds of modern moron slaves only care about stuff that prevents them from slaving around without too much disturbance. I can't provide any better example that the Tool of "lockdowns" deployed during OPERATION COVIDIUS.
Because your link was to a pyramid that was full of $ signs. You have my sympathy if you are from New Zealand, even your Rugby Union team isn't functioning as it once did.
I look at New Zealand, Australia and Canada and wonder.
Though in the case of Australia, I heard a wonderful explanation. When someone asked how a country basically full of lawbreakers offspring could be so keen on martial law, a response was. "The Australian Authorities are probably the descendants of the prison guards, not the prisoners." Which I found funny.
As for Canada, well "Trudeau" - a French descendant, What more can you expect from them - they all think they are either Napoleon or the Sun King, both of whom were tyrants.
New Zealand, however?! What on earth went wrong there?
Here in the UK we had Major, Blair, Brown and Cameron - that's reason enough. BUT then we put in May and Johnson, both of whom began to make Major seem like a sensible chap.
I blame Davos. After all, what on earth do they all do there? Listen to each other's speeches? IF they are anything like the one I listened to from John Kerry it seems clear to me they confuse stand up comedy with serious politics. Sadly nowadays the comics aren't funny and the politicians are hilarious.
The current crop of politicians would be funny were they not so dangerous.
Havel was an intellectual, imprisoned by the USSR, and cherished freedom. He was largelyignored in the West, which should have been a big red flag about the "leadership" of the post cold war West. I refer to his warnings and wisdom by memory. Thank you for providing the full text. It is a glimmer of freedom's light in this terrible dark age.
I'm reminded of a similar statement made by Tucker Carlson a year or so ago when he described the United States as "an entire society forced to lie about everything important all the time."
In such a society, to speak the truth is a radically subversive act. Let us all speak the truth--all the time. Defy the empire of lies!