Wow I never thought of that, Northern Ireland being the birthplace of Identity politics! It didn’t really go well for anyone

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Correct. It was an unmitigated disaster and this place has yet to fully recover. Be warned!!!

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It’s a scary thought Jenny…truly terrifying

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"Hate crimes" legislation was the first step down the slippery slope in much of the Western world. In many places, these gave prosecutors extra power against defendants (as if they needed any more!). They also were the first course of bricks blocking free speech. Abolishing this legislation, not weaponizing it further, should be our first step back from the brink.

PS. Another excellent post!

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The effort to suppress free expression (really the effort to prevent people from being fully human) is increasing globally. If our elitist betters are so bored with their shallow lives, maybe they should find a hobby. Ideally, of course, they should be reading the Bible and finding out what life is really all about. God allows U-turns in this life.

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Yes! These people are total stupid losers.

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Nice to have you back at the keyboard, JH.

Living in California, I've always thought of our poor, decaying state as the epicenter of far-left insanity, at least in the U.S. As things get worse, I sometimes wonder if the government will eventually use A.I. to search out wrongspeak in the posts of ordinary nobodies like me, and find some of the comments I've made on Facebook, Twitter, and elsewhere expressing my thoughts on climate hysteria, Kung-Flu nonsense, and woke lunacy in general. Could they, would they arrest me? Take my house or bank account? Who the hell knows what's coming? The West is going to crash hard. I just hope it can hold out until after I croak. I feel bad for those of you who are younger and may have to live decades of your lives in the Orwellian nightmare to come.

On that cheerful note, I'll wish everyone a happy weekend!

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I don't remember the first time I heard the phrase "hate crime," but I remember my reaction, and it was a huge HUH? I'm fairly certain every crime is committed by someone who either hates or has disdain for the victim or victims. This (supposed) victim and motivation ranking is now turned into a multi-pronged attack on free speech, and this should be a clarion call to all those not in a coma.

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Another brilliant article, Jenny!

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