The older one gets, the more one can get a sense of ongoing generations. I have known people born in the 19th century and I have known people born in the 21st century. On this November 22, I think back to the JFK assassination 61 years ago today, but I know that there are plenty of people (including some of the younger Boomers) too young to remember that day. We just need to try our best to navigate the times in which we live. As scripture said about one biblical character, maybe we are where we are "for such a time as this."

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Another one hit out of the park.

Born on this very day in 1962 - so I'm exactly 62 - I feel I must say that as a 'barely boomer' I relate more to Gen X. I certainly don't feel like an "arch-narcissist" but then, of course, I'm gonna' say that! Especially if I am one.

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Same. I was born in ‘61 but I relate so much to everything Jenny describes here. Certainly more than to poodle skirts and milkshakes, or fringed buckskin vests and granola (I was gonna say dropping acid, till I remembered that nope, I’m actually quite familiar with that!).

And yep, I still smoke and rebelliously refuse to clean my house because no one can tell ME what to do, dammit! I realize that both these things make me more moron than mutineer, but so be it.

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I am a late boomer (1964) r who was always super immature. We played Nine Inch Nails at my wedding. We are MAGA now, bitches!!

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Preach, sister!

Or can I say, Amen Bitch, if we haven’t met?

This was a great read with my morning cig n’ coffee. Thank you.

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