It has caused me no shortage of consternation in recent years that two of my favorite places on the planet, Ireland and Scotland, have become so woke. It is heartening to hear about the rejection by the Irish electorate of the latest attempts by the ‘progressive’ factions to erase the traditional family and the value of honest to goodness motherhood. Maybe, just maybe we are starting to see a needed backlash to all the nonsense. Thank you Jenny for expounding on this.

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Oh and I loved this:”If anything, today’s Ireland is being coerced by a different class of men in frocks. Thanks in part to the overreach of this campaign, the Irish population is waking up to that fact, and it’s none too pleased.”

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The role of Mother is the most beautiful and cherished role in a family and society. And it cuts across all cultures and religions throughout the world. In their blind pursuit of power, modern progressives have attacked this pillar of family.

I just wonder all the mental illness and degraded stuff we see all around in the Western world is maybe the downstream effect of this attack on family and motherhood.

It's a strange thing all this talk of 'liberation'. I remember when I got my first job in London in an investment bank, I absolutely hated it. I realised I had LOST my independence. After about an year, I couldn't take it anymore and quitted.

I still remember that day, one after another, my peers approached me and said, 'Man wish I could also quit. This is crazy. We are all sophisticated slaves'.

To get a job outside is alright. But in the process, you LOOSE your joy and independence. Instead of being chained to a sink, you're now chained to a cubicle. Or a stupid 'woke cause'.

All these radical progressives out there forgot-- 20-30 yrs back, they attacked the word 'man' and 'he' with blinding hate. Well karma now comes knocking on their door.

The snake is eating it's own tail.

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The New York Times’s follow-up article by the same reporter, published the day after the one Jenny cites above – a “news analysis”; not, mind you, an opinion piece – was headlined in the print edition, “In Ireland, Voters’ Confusion Quashed Proposed Constitution Changes.”

So the referenda failed because voters were “confused,” per the Times.

The on-line version of that article leaves “confusion” out of the headline (“A Sudden Turn in Voter Sentiment Helped Quash Changes to Ireland’s Constitution”), but the body of the article refers over and over to one of the main reasons voters rejected the changes being that they were confused about them.

No one quoted discusses the issue in terms other than tactical failure, the universal premise being that that the amendments should have passed, and would have with a better campaign.

The notion that the voters were *not* confused, but rather understood what they were facing and rejected it – let alone the unspeakable possibility that they may have been right to do so – is nowhere to be seen.

This episode reminds me of the defeat of the Australian Indigenous Voice constitutional amendment last year.

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There are people who have bought into this woke stuff as their new "religion" but there are also people who are beyond fed up with it. The vote in Ireland is encouraging.

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It is beyond comprehension the stupidity of this Irish regime , full to the brim of woke filled warriors who would wantonly destroy the nuclear family. Ireland. My Ireland. How dare they.

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"...a massive F U to the government" is music to my ears.

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This is a difficult one for me, as five years ago, as a single woman, I would have supported this change in the language. Today I am in charge of all aspects of care for two elderly relatives and could easily see a day where my "emergency contact" is someone other than a blood relative, both of which would tend to make me supportive of new language except for the fact that I no longer trust the government/NGOs not to have nefarious motives when it comes to these types of changes.

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Jenny - you understand that this is all about trying to destroy any sense of Ireland as a Catholic country. It’s almost funny that Irelands present ruling class is dedicated to doing what hundreds of years of English oppression failed to do.( And by the way - I’m not especially religious but this seems like such a betrayal).

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this is great news.

in many ways the whole EU/NGO/UN/WEF Progressive elite agenda has already lost. farmers, parents and working class people are already successful in pushing back. the question is, how far are the Ruling Class willing to go in light of this pushback? how much of Europes economy and culture will they destroy and censor in their panic to impose the Green Utopia? 5 years? 15 years? 50 years? things are about to get rocky, but the truth will eventually prevail.

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A glimmer of hope!

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As long as people still have the ability to be informed of this "under the radar" takeover, and the ability to speak up (either literally or at the ballot box) there's hope. Of course, they are working as fast as they can to stop both of those things. I guess it's kind of a race to the cliff edge....

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I am so glad you wrote this article.

We must celebrate victories-loudly! If we don't I believe we are not serious about winning.

I believe many, if not most of the establishment on either side, is only interested in complaining and instilling fear to get people hooked and voting for them, donating to their organizations etc. They know once there are enough true wins their paycheck will evaporate.

I am not into that because it is demoralizing. I refuse to live my life in that mindset...and they (the "they" on both sides) want us demoralized and in fear so we stay addicted and clinging on to them begging as if they will be our saviors someday. Change only will come from the bottom up- grassroots or through real democratic voting.

So when I see wins not being celebrated and happily discussed, I know who those people are. They do not want to win. They just want to keep us angry and addicted to the poison.

If we are serious we must celebrate because that sets the tone, and creates the new vanguard. It is extremely contagious to impressionable minds. People start to think, oh the winds have changed I better be careful and get on the bandwagon etc...

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Just read your article on White Rage in Spiked. Also there’s a good article on this by Matt Taibi on Racket News.Here’s a point worth making. Suppose polling shows white rural people are more bigoted than people in suburban NJ. It’s quite possible but doesn’t necessarily tell you much. If zero people in my town support Q anon and 2 % support it in Dogpatch- it still means 98%don’t. So yeah there could be be more support for xyz in rural areas but that doesn’t translate into most or even a large minority support this stuff.This is a ridiculous story.

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Thanks for this good , good news, Jenny. YAY!! : )

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