Saving Culture (from itself)
Saving Culture (from itself)
A conversation with New Zealand farm girl turned TERF, Rachel Stewart

Paid episode

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A conversation with New Zealand farm girl turned TERF, Rachel Stewart

A prominent columnist & environmentalist until a few years ago, Rachel was cancelled from her job at the New Zealand Herald and socially ostracised after criticising gender self-id.

To me, the best thing about Substack has been the interesting people I have met here, people who have lived a hundred different lives in one.

Rachel found Saving Culture last year, and I then followed her on X where I soon realised she was feisty, and crabby, and a farm girl to boot. These are some of my favourite qualities in women. I wish I could hop o…

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Saving Culture (from itself)
Saving Culture (from itself)
Personal politics for the politically homeless. Writing on life, love and the toxic culture that's driving us all mad.