Love your articles and happy Birthday.

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Thank you Mike!

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You young whippersnapper! Have the happiest of birthdays.

PS. Your last article in Spiked on fascism was spot on. I'm seeing an interesting phenomenon: The Progressives look in the mirror. They see everyone who's not Progressive. They then excoriate them for what the Progressives are doing. Their lack of self-awareness is stunning.

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I've noticed this phenomenon, too. The left have become virtuosos of projection, but don't realize they're doing it.

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HappyHappy Jenny!….all the very best to you and the family…looking forward of course!

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Happy Birthday--and: big congrats on the bench presses!

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Happiest of birthdays to you, Jenny! I'm so grateful to have discovered your Substack and I am always happy to see something from you show up in the inbox. Your perspective calms me and gives me hope!

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God bless you and your family, and give you the strength to continue bringing happiness to so many.

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"May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed." (Psalm 20:4)

Happy Birthday!

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That was a wonderful birthday message with an adorable Max. I love reading your substack and listening to your video messages. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

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Happy Birthday! I always look forward to reading your columns.

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Happy birthday!

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Happy birthday and Merry Christmas!

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Have a wonderful Christmas and thanks for the weekly breath of fresh air. (And Happy Brithday too!)

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Love your articles and happy Birthday.

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Happy Birthday!!

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